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Poppy Playtime Chapter 2 App Reviews

The Poppy Playtime Chapter 2 app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Poppy Playtime Chapter 2 app an average rating of 4.50 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 3.8K ratings since its release on Jul 23 by Mob Entertainment. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Poppy Playtime Chapter 2?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.73 out of 5

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45 Positive User Reviews for Poppy Playtime Chapter 2

Favorite game

In my title it said it was my favorite game but when will you release chapter 3 on to the App Store?

Good game can you please add chapter 3 apple devices

Mob games pretty please add chapter 3

Great game

I don’t even need to do the games just remember and your able to leave

Great but one thing

When I played I LOVED IT but when I used electrical hand it looked under powered then It looked weird but I got used to it other then that GREAT GAME.please make green hand more electrical

Pictures of the PC version

Why did you have to put it when you look at it when I first got this game it had real pictures of the whole game but when I played the game it was so different why did you have to make it so so different than the real PC version?

Please make project playtime available on mobile

Hey Mob entertainment can you please make project playtime available for mobile iOS on the AppStore please 🙏🏽

That very cool

You relized game for pc on mobile!That amazing!I wait chapter 3 on pc and on Mobile devaises.


awesome thanks for making this possible for us

MOB Games fix the bugs

I love if you didn’t put the game for money some people don’t have the money and they really just want to game so please take away the money and put it for free🙏🙏


Hi this is the best game ever I had it on my phone unfortunately my phone broke I been heartbroken because I couldn't play this game so now I have a old iPad and I really wanna play the game on it just says for a never IPad I beg you so much can you please make this game for 9.3.5 iPad please

Best mobile game (no hate to other games)

This looks so great I love this app so much thank you Mob games

Please read

I wanna know when is project playtime coming out on mobile?

Read this if the glitch at Mommy Long legs chase scene keeps happening

So your reading this because of the glitch right? Yea I know how to fix it, all you have to do is go in setting and press load game and do over the chase scene and you won’t be stuck

I can’t crouch!

This game is just like the pc game but the problem is I cannot crouch. Don’t get me wrong, this game is amazing but it would be better if I could crouch.

Hey about chapter 3.

Can you release chapter 3 please on iOS please please please please I play on iOS.

Great game one request

Hi mob games! I just want to say I love the game of poppy playtime chapter 1 and 2! they are so good and I love that you added it to mobile because I don't have a pc and here’s my request could you add project playtime on mobile as well thank you

There’s a glitch

It’s very good I recommend it but when you get to the pj pugapiller puzzle you can’t go up to the outlet and I can’t finish the game

The best game

I love this chapter it’s one of the most amazing games i love posting content on it

I hope it comes out

Hi mob games I have one question when will poppy playtime chapter 3 come out i Relly want to see project playtime so I hope you have it come out but I know your still making the game for Computers so I hope it comes out Relly soon by Urijah Gonzalez coats please let it come out in the next 1 year

Can you make project playtime next?

Please make project playtime🥺

Awesome + Annoying = chapter 2 mobile

I just wanna say, I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH, but there are a couple of problems. They are all in Statues. Just before you enter the game, u have to do a power puzzle. I lift myself up on the left bar then go back down to connect the two posts and power the left bar, but it won’t let me. And PJ’s death mechanics are way to sensitive. He gets you even if the lights are off and he’s nowhere close to you. MOBGames, please fix this!!!


Mob games I love the game but on IPAD mini 2 it’s crashing when you first see mommy long legs 😒😡😡😡😡😡😔😤😤😤😤😤😤 amazing game just pls update okay 👍

Love the game so so so much it’s my favorite game ever you should get this game

My fvorite game ever I love it thanks to mob games we all have this really good game if it weren’t for them my life would be less fun I would buy merch but is just so much money over all the best game ever you should get it I love it.


This is the real game

Plzz make poppy playtime chapter 3

This game is asome and is worth it and I’m excited for chapter 3 plzz make that happen and when is project playtime coming out?


I love this game


YAYAYAYAYYAYAYA I Finaly got allowance to download this game I got chapter 1 now 2 letsss gooooooooooo I’m so exited it’s downloading rn!!!! Iskxkkxkxkskskalsixopxkxjxjskkwnsmxksowo’smxnx

I figured out how to fix it

Amazing game and from my last review I had talked about how this was a great game but there was one glitch when you put the bunzo bunny in the water treatment door it will spawn the door but I figured out how to fix it,I have seen other people complain about it and here’s how to fix it when getting the bunzo bunny toy you need to press the buttons in the correct order the top two buttons you need to press them in order instead of pressing the same one I hope this was helpful

Like game but I’m stuck

I’m at the power station like how

got stuck

ok, so, this isn’t a glitch, it’s just that I get stuck out of PURE SCARYNESS right before musical memory starts up, but I still like it!👍😀

Pls make a chapter 3

this is good tho but can you really pls make a chapter 3 because I want to see how many mini games are there in poppy playtime chapter 3 so that is why I want you to make a poppy playtime chapter 3 so badly

Things to fix

This game is really good very much like the pc version just three things to fix I never saw bunzo in mommy long legs web you forgot to put bunzo after you come out of musical memory same with the whack a wuggy I saw them on her web when first released the game but until you updated the game I never saw them on the web and the last thing when you hold electricity please make the hand light up too like the pc it is supposed to light a light green color please fix these thank you

Please fix the game

I love this game so much. I have always wanted to poppy playtime chapter 2 but there is one big problem that always happens. So when mommy longs leg is chasing me and I am about to get to the little hole to open the gate for some reason when I am about to open the gate to escape mommy long legs that place always loads. And while I’m playing through the game that area should load right? But it never loads and if I was there for 1 year or more it will still load and it will never stop loading. So

I can’t believe this is a game now

I love iiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttt

It’s great just one thing

I was so excited for this game to come out and I bought it. It was really fun but the part where you have to drag the berry cart around was really hard and took like 15 mins. Overall the game is good thanks mob game ^^

I cant wait for poppy play time chapter 3

Mob games please make a ealry poppy play time 3 mobile gameplay i love your game so much see you in 2023 and chapter 3

Best game Ever

Love it. I wanna see chapter 3

We’re the green wack a wuggy

I’ve seen every color of wuggy in wack a wuggy except for the green one and also why are their mouths open

Thank you

This is the best game ever

I love chapter 2 more!

I love the game the details are waaaaaay better than chapter 1 and the graphics and I like how story is and I think that mob games should make a chapter 3 so we can see if you make it after the train crash

Plzz make poppy playtime chapter 3

This game is asome and is worth it and I’m excited for chapter 3 plzz make that happen

Hand issue

I love poppy playtime, I was so excited to play this. Put the hand has some problems that need worked out. Whenever you use it to go with poppy after you fix the electric, it wouldn’t get me up there. And a big problem is whenever you use the claw, it won’t let you drag the claw, you have to keep grabbing it until you get it so far that it won’t work anymore, so you can’t even pass that part. Please get this working right

Pls fix

Game is very laggy at some point please fix it. Pls read and update

No controller support

Fun game but would love to play with a controller on my iPad Pro. When using a controller (ps4) only the left joystick works. Please add controller support 🙏🏼

Soooo good

Better then chapter 1 but you should add update to chapter 1 and good as always and please add chapter 3 faster thane this because when this releaset I was so hipe so then I checked chapter 1 to see instead and it was not there so then I check the App Store it’s not there so a phew weeks later I watchtower a vid so pleas do this faster but ten out of ten