12 Positive User Reviews for ProximiT: MBTA Boston Transit
The best app
This is app works wonders. On time location accuracy.
New design
I enjoy how slick it is. Plus the commuter rail addition is a nice touch. I enjoy the crowd feature. But where is the commuter rail count down times? Also. Why is there 2 Sullivan Sq station list under 90 bus going to assembly? The 4:50pm onCT2 bus at Kendall on 8/25/22 was crowded. But the application said one dot. It lied.
Right it shows one bus. Befor it had 2
Time for a tune up?
Probably the terrible T more than the pretty good app, but the accuracy has diminished recently.
It is wrong a lot
It estimates 5minutes.off a lot
I trust this app. Its about 99.999% on the money. I live close to my T stop, and when the app says 2 min for the train, it’s pretty much 2 min. I told my husband about this app, and now he uses it too. Thank you for designing an app that actually works very well. Keep up the great work.
Missing trip planning feature
This app is well organized, but lacks trip planning capabilities.
Incredible, convenient, perfect
So glad this all exists. I multiple modes of transit so it is good to be able to see all their statuses together at one place.
211 bus
bus isn't coming at the same time it says and tracker isn't always accurate
Excellent for Boston
Most up to date app that I have found
Timely bus help
Used the transit tracker app, which was super until it ceased to exist. ProximiT is great replacement app now and enables me to plan my travel schedule. Hope it only improves in quality.
2 Negative User Reviews for ProximiT: MBTA Boston Transit
Arrival times very inaccurate
Bus location on the map appear to be accurate, but arrival and departure time are wildly inaccurate. You’re better off guessing arrival times.
Frequently Inaccurate
I use this app to follow my bus schedule and the ETAs often fluctuate wildly. One minute it will be telling you the bus is 20 min away and the next it will say the bus is arriving. I’ve grown to expect this and now watch the thing like a hawk when I know I need to catch the next bus, but it would be a lot better if it were more reliable.