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Puff Up App Reviews

Puff Up app recently received 28 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Puff Up app an average rating of 4.65 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 121.2K ratings since its release on Jun 24 by Voodoo. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Puff Up?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 3.57 out of 5

121.2K global ratings

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28 Positive User Reviews for Puff Up


The game is fine but the ad said there are no ads… there are

Fun but…

Fun game but the add said no adds and that is what I wanted a good, fun no adds game but instead not even a minute in to playing BOOM add

Good game

The game is good for boredom but can also make you rage quit on some levels but the only things i have against the game is the ads because it breaks the flow of the game and could make you die of the enemy/ spike ball if you hold it then an ad pops up and the second thing is that the random glitches that happen out of no where. But aside from that overall great game 3/5

The best game

This is the best game I’ve been playing it like all night. This is so fun. you got a try it out


Great game but too much ads and I’m not paying 10$ for no ads so yeah great game too many ads

Not “No Ads”

I paid for No Ads but really it’s just fewer ads and more strategically placed. The game itself is great! Very similarly to the very first game I ever had on an iPod.

It’s good but..

There is too many pop up adds plus sometimes i get adds when I’m the middle of a lvl and them I forget my strategy because I’m so focused on trying to get adds but the game is super fun and nice it’s not rigged it’s super cool but just put only a little of ads. (Have a great day ✨)

Puff up

Ok I absolutely love this game but it takes forever to load and there are so many adds.

Amazing app except UG THE ADS!!!

The ads are so manyyy

I would rate it a little bit higher IF

Ads the ads are to many every time I would complete not a level a stage then get an ad

Love it

This is the best game ever definitely download it now it is the worlds best game a it’s probably the best game I’ve ever downloaded I wish they could come out with a two and have less ads but other than the less I had staying in another another one with like more things to do it’s the best game ever

Great game. Ridiculous amount of ads

This game is amazing. There used to be one I used to play all the time with a blowfish: I am sad though. First I would totally pay for no ads at maybe $3.99 the price tag of $9.99 Is ludicrous, especially when it glitches as much as it does and you have to shut it down and start again. There are so many ads I don’t even want to play every step in the game every change every move there are ads it’s annoying and deterring. I don’t know how long I’ll play since the amount of time I spend stuck on a


It kept saying I ran out of moves when I didn’t but other than that I did have fun and would recommend it to friends

Good game but got scammed.

It’s a very fun game but there are SO many ads. Multiple per level it’s insane. Then i decided to go ahead and buy the no ads for 10$ and i still get ads. I’d like my 10$ back smh.

Good idea but...

The game itself is fun and addicting! But just like all new VooDoo games it forces you to have wifi so that they can force ads. They make you pay for no ads when you can download an adblocker. They capitalize forcefully making people delete the game shortly after they download it. Try a new way for money VooDoo, how about no ads and instead multiplayer where you can buy things like AFK Arena but different. If you reply to this at least make it look like a real person replied.


This game has great potential if it didn’t have so many ads and if you could play it offline it would be so much better.

Nice game

It’s really great but there is a lot of ads that are overly annoying that’s not letting me play but overall it’s good

Why I gave u 4 stars

I don’t like adds😠

Great game until u see ALL the ads!!

I could play this all the time if there weren’t so many ads more ads than game


It was very annoying bc rondomly I would have to watch a bunch of ads for no reason and it made 0 sense there was WAYYYYYY to many ads but other whys the game was very fun

It’s ok

I like the base of the game and the Challenging things but make an update

Review on puff up

It’s really good but there’s a lot of ads buts it’s a amazing game and really fun.


I love it so much it’s the best

Glitchy but fun

I am experiencing some problems like glitches but it’s also super fun to play but after a while it starts getting boring overall it’s fun to play

Crashes alot

Honestly this game is fun. It really is. But it crashed ALOT. And when I say alot I mean a lot.

Best game ever

This is the best game ever in my opinion because it’s a lot of fun and it just keeps making me happy and it’s a math game and I love math and I am really good at math.

Awesomeness game ever

This is the best game I’ve played in my hole entire life. Like I play this game 24 7 it is so much fun!!!!!😀😃😄😁😆😊😌🙂😉🙃

Too many ad’s

Ad’s play after ever single break in every level. Reduce the ads and this might actually be a fun game.

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