Real Steel App Reviews
The Real Steel app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 3 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Real Steel app an average rating of 4.00 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 1K ratings since its release on Sep 22 by Reliance Big Entertainment UK Private. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Real Steel?
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45 Positive User Reviews for Real Steel
i wanna know why when i get to six shooter in story mode he is pretty much impossible to beat
I love the game it’s great I just think there should be more than just the “Live Event” just for game tokens I feel like there should be more ways to get the tokens to level up your robots other than that it’s one of the best fighting games I’ve ever played
i love real steel but i regret buying this one the free real steel has way much more better graphics and better stuff than this version i was wondering if you're ever going to update this one to make it better if not then i guess i've wasted my money
I was just playing The wager and i couldn’t finish a combo against gambit and i need you guys to fix that
This game is very good and the graphics are to, however the characters are getting a little dry and is in need of some more.
So I was updating the game and when it finished updating I checked all my robotsAnd I lost blue bot and metro and I was on the six shooter Bossfight can you please give me my progress back please
Basically when ever I was on chapter 3 and battling that panther dude and I was Midas he kept on beating me and I thought it was a normal thing but when i checked the thing his stats was lower than mine idk how this happend but it’s still a great game :)
I could not find the area to get atom gold or crusher since the area was replaced with bundles and packs that have recently been released. So developers if you are reading this I really enjoy your game but can you tell me what to do or fix the problem if it is a bug?
The game is good don’t get me wrong but I have 34 achievement trophies and I can’t use them for ANYTHING so please add the achivers section to make this game way more better please.
In my opinion I like the wrb models better because atom looks way cooler in wrb so please can you change them?
real steel is my favorite game since the movie is my favorite movie. (and 1st movie i’ve ever seen) when i was in pre-k, i tried to fight kids and it’s been there for me for a long time. i am 10 and i still like real steel.
How does my robot keep losing he has max stats and he get bodied by a robot that has bad stats
you first get ambush then you get noisy boy but you don’t take any fight with ambush it just gives you noisy boy then if you finish the championship you get Midas.
It wouldn’t download but I’ve played it before
Ripoffs are soo hard to do when i try to do it doesn’t work it goes away too fast
Well I just wana to know how to equip a robot because i bought a new robot for 5 dolars and i can’t equip it can somebody tell me plase.
This is really good, but I think that there should be more free robots you can earn.
Hello reliance games, are we having a real steel Halloween update this year? there wasn’t no Halloween update last year.
So when I was 10-11 I watched real steel and I was like woah I wish I could do that and now I can it is a fun game and I suggest you try it
This game is amazing!!!!! Only one thing must be changed though. I honestly think that they should make Six Shooter in the story mode game mode.He is just way to strong and skilled,but beside that this game is amazing!
This one seems like a newest version of all 3 here are some pointers get some better graphics make more stuff free and make bot evolution better and your bot looks different when you level it up
I play this game every day and I can’t stop so Fun👍👍👍👍👍Highly suggest this game.
It’s amazing the graphics are amazing but one thing that upsets me is that when you want to customize your robot you have to buy it too
It’s feels like it’s pay to win is because you have buy almost all the robots in the game with real money and even the new robot just came and cost real money it’s just I don’t like it
It’s really fun but I don’t understand why I have to pay for most of the robot and a couple of bugs but other than that the game is good
It’s so hard to beat six shooter I have cosmo bot and cosmo bot is more powerful but I can’t beat him how plz change that
I love how the animations for the bots like atom I love the intro animation I love it keep up the good work bye by the way I give the animations a 5 rate star reward
I love this game because I love the movie
There is a bug I am dealing with where if I open the store the in game menu loads a lot of garbage items and I have to leave the in game store to fix it. It is just annoying.
Hi and i have a problem when I log off the game it takes my progress can you guys fix it pls
When I go try to. Buy Brutus it just keeps loading!
I have two problems with the game the first one is i didnt get atom back when i restored purchases i remember playing with him a lot.Secondly most of the robots spam too much.i would have given 5 stars if the first problem didnt happen.
The prices should go down because I used a calculator and added everything purchaseable and it costs 216.15$
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I Had Zeus And Atom Before The Big Update How Do I Get Them Back
I love the game now the evo bots that are in story mode are way to over power like six shooter i do a combo and his health doesnt even go 1% down and he takes like half of my health in his combo smh??
I bought atom and Zeus back in 2014 and when I try to restore purchases it says illegal software and I can
Most of the robots are to overpowered in the story mode.
Ok, this is a really good game and is extremely fun. But I think you should be able to build a bot, and then if you add, let’s say shinobi’s body, you should be able to do katana special moves. Good game 5 stars
Good game but sixshooter is overpowered I can’t even beat him with centurion Midas so please make him like his stats
I have to say the evo bots are making the game boring I have made it past six shooter evo two but the other evo is too op at evo three
The game is awesome, but I’m having trouble with the live events, I already updated the game but it only says coming soon. I participated on the last live event and upgraded my tri gore. Please help developers! Thank you.
3 Negative User Reviews for Real Steel
It Used To Be Where You Could Pass Chapter 3 Level 3 There
Because you made on story mode you made it to hard for the like third one pls stop I’m crying and breaking my tablet
The app itself won’t open and you can’t get some stadiums for free