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Real Tides & Currents Graph HD App Reviews

The Real Tides & Currents Graph HD app recently received 5 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Real Tides & Currents Graph HD app an average rating of 4.67 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 442 ratings since its release on Nov 23 by Flytomap. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Real Tides & Currents Graph HD?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.80 out of 5

442 global ratings

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5 Positive User Reviews for Real Tides & Currents Graph HD

Best Tide app

Takes the guess work out of tides with the gps tide calculator. Very accurate inmy experience.

great - it works offline

I use IT offline. Had to be something simple like that on appstore. This app so far is extremely accurate in my area

Tow master ( rig mover of jack up rigs)

It is practical for the interpolation time between secondary ports

It works nicely

Very accurate app for tides and currents in Florida Great details on nautical charts


This app works great, I use it on a tugboat working on high voltage power towers in very shallow waters, and also in the dredging business. We've dredged whole marinas using real tide as our reference. It's usually within a couple of tenths of a foot.