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Rhythm Journey App Reviews

Rhythm Journey app recently received 6 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Rhythm Journey app an average rating of 4.36 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 22 ratings since its release on Nov 22 by Yuseok Kang. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Rhythm Journey?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.17 out of 5

22 global ratings

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Explore global reviews of the Rhythm Journey app: Spain.

6 Positive User Reviews for Rhythm Journey

Fun, but not free.

I thought this game would be free except it’s not. I would suggest adding ads in exchange for more content.

L or R ?

Red should be on the left even if it’s up or down

This is the indie rhythm game everyone should be playing

It doesn’t lean hard on its custom mechanics, if you’re familiar with rhythm games it’s easy to jump in and sight read. But it has a very individual style, and the graphics and music are incredibly polished. The “one try” mechanic makes every note very intentional and you have to nail it to win (unless you go for the shield which gives some assistance but doesn’t overall test your skill as much) The two button model works way better here than Taiko or Muse Dash in my opinion. ADOFAI and Rhythm

i love this game

title says it all!! its fun, its a challenge, and i like the songs. i’d add fear grows and final boss to my spotify playlist if it was on there!! its definitely not a rhythm game for a casual player, as i can definitely say some of the songs took me hours to complete, and im still working on the bonus songs… but for someone who loves rhythm games and enjoys a challenge, this is a great game!! just beware, hours of playing have the side effect of making you very dizzy— at least in my experience


Fun App! Never played anything adofai related or thee’ adofai game before.. but it’s a really good app! To bad most players don’t have any spare change to spend ( me.. I’m broke ) . The demo to be honest in my opinion was a lot shorter then I thought.. I was just about to get into it. Thank you though..

Came for ADOFAI, stayed for the gameplay

As stated in the title I originally found this game through A Dance of Fire and Ice. After downloading it only took 1 track for me to fall in love. As soon as I finished track 2 I immediately bought the full game. Highly recommend for anyone else who wants a simple rhythm game on the go.

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