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Rise Up! Protect the Balloon App Reviews

The Rise Up! Protect the Balloon app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Rise Up! Protect the Balloon app an average rating of 4.34 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 783.1K ratings since its release on Sep 24 by AI Games FZ. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Rise Up! Protect the Balloon?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.07 out of 5

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45 Positive User Reviews for Rise Up! Protect the Balloon


this game is good just make it have less ads? also to everyone complaining its hard, just keep playing you’ll get better.

Not so great but cute

The thing is the ads and the obs ,the ads are so annoying every time you die it gives you and ad, even when you don’t click the continue button it is a cute game but it’s almost impossible to get passed obs 6 or 8 nice try but not really good I think you have to make the shield a little bigger cause it isn’t fair that the balloon is bigger than the shield atleast make the shield the same size as the balloon!

Great game but…

This is a great game but a lot of adds alli got to say😊😊😊😊

Why this happens

When I try to open the app,the game kicks me out of the game

Rise up review

This game is pretty fun but there are a lot of ads so if you don’t mind ads then this game is great for you!


This game is fine but there are sooooo many ads. Please fix that. I think u should get it but then ya there are those ads. ANNOYING! I put five stars so u guys could see it. The game is fine but I warned u about those ads.

Main problem: ADS!

This game is hard which I like but you watch a ad every. Single. TIME! I don't hate the game but if they offer you a ad then you might as well click it because there is a 85% chance you will probably get a ad. I once opened the game and clicked play when I did it gave me, yup a AD! It gets very annoying an normally people overreact saying they can't play it because of ads and normally I would say "it's not that much of a deal" but in this case there are too many ads.

Good game

I love this game but the only problem is the ads I hate ads I just wanna play my game


HOW CAN A CIRCLE POP A BALLOON i love the game though

This game is great but a few problems

So this game is nice and all but all the adds is a bit much but the game is great and the music is calm and it is relaxing and nice so this game does kind of help me relax this game is also vary hard and that’s ok but I love this game a lot

Just one major problem

I love the game and play it almost everyday. So I bought no ads and at first it was still letting me revive but then it stopped. Its kind of stupid because now I have no way of reviving.


So there is a level where u have to protect it from the ball but the ball is so big so I can’t get it out.Could u please make the ball smaller because it’s too hard. -ElleRblxRoConz

Do not people!

Do not be the platform in this game!why? Because If u hit the balloon with the skin platform the balloon is going to go up faster or go down until like void. I hope the developers read this so they can fix this glitch.


Hello everyone I am a developer for this game and I just wanted to say that ads are what keep this game free we will try to lower ads a little but in the meantime please be patient thank you have a good day 😁


このゲームは、退屈なときの命の恩人です! それはまた、私が見つけることができる他の多くのアプリにはない言語を持っています! いつも退屈で、何かをする必要がある人にお勧めします。 それはまた、ある意味で私にとって満足のいくものであり、 ほとんどの場合、すべての小さなボールをスライドするレベルで! とても満足です! とにかく、みんなが素晴らしい一日を過ごせますように! ~★

Amazing game!!!

Ok so I saw this girl or boy and she litterly said- “ThE gAmE mAdE mY bLoOd pReSsUrE gO uP” PEOPLE ARE SO DRAMATIC ABOUT THIS LIKE- How do you know if you blood pressure is even going up- Like relax it’s just a dang game not the end of your life.. But this game is litterly amazing! I love the obstacles it has! And it calms me down a lot! I hope you have a great and blessed rest of your day!!


This game is amazing but there are a little to many ads but This game is great hard I like it hard thank you so much for creating this game🤓🌮

Fix this problem plz 🙏

So when I get a gift it say watch an ad right well it doesn’t let me watch the ad and it is super annoying cuz I can’t get the prize even in the ballon and protecter shin menu it bothering me plz fix it I’m begging you 🙏🙏🙏🥺🥺🥺

This game is so fun

I love this game, I play it all the time on long road trips and it makes it feel like a minute. This is probably my 3rd favorite game to play

It’s good

Very hard game but it is pretty hard

Addicting but too many adds

After every single level there’s a 30 second unskippable add that plays even when there’s no Wi-Fi, cellular and on airplane mode but otherwise addicting.

About game

I like this game but there are a lot of glitches here is one, I was playing the game then all of the sudden my protecter disappeared and it wasn’t on the screen anymore.


i be playing like a pro i be at level 20 and i hit stick too far down then my balloon be going upside down and i have to restart game i dont know why i go upside down please fix game but fun game 8/10 would recommendation

Really good game👍

The game is really good and relaxing it calms me down but once you get past level 45 nothing happens not even confetti or anything that’s my only concern so byyyyyy

It’s ok

First this app is fun when u first get but it glitches SO MANY times and there are billions stories high it’s fun but it glitches thank u for reading this before getting the app

I love the game

I love this game lot but make sum levels a bit more fun. And make sumthing at the end so it is worth doing it.

pretty fun. too many ads

pretty fun and challenging game. only downside is how many ads there are. i would love to pay a couple bucks to get rid of them completely, but the developers are out of their minds if they think i’m going to pay $4 a week for a mobile game.


This is such a fun and calming game I highly recommend this!😌😊♥️


They said that one percent can beat level 1000 well guess what there is no 1000 level 😡

Great game, but some bugs

The game itself is really enjoyable, but theres one bug thats annoying me. With the purple rectangle shield, if uou hit it into the right side of your balloon, you start rocketing downwards forever.


I kind of like this game but it is supposed relaxing and if I get kind of far it makes me stressed and when I get stressed I want to break things.so after all it is a pretty good game but not so relaxing.

Straight up okay! Won’t complain! 😄

Not the best game I’ve ever downloaded, but, it is okay! Definitely okay. Personally, it may be a little bit too slow-paced, but I like it! A good idea! Very nice idea. Thx yall for making this!

like but some things wrong

this app is good but it is hard and so so many ads its fun till it gets boring and we should get two try’s cause the balloon is way too soft and hard to protect and if you reach 30 and pop it doesn’t save so i dont really like

They lie on the commercial

They said there was a new update on the commercial and they put music and they lied so they get more people to download it


I love it but sometimes I get bored of the same old levels every time I play! Could you try to add harder levels and easier ones to make it funnier?

This is the best game ever

I love this game so much and it’s very fun to play

Great job but a little hard

I just want to say something about my score I got 1,079 and it said it was impossible to get 1,000 I would like to prove that ad wrong 1079 ——— SCORE


It was an ok game… It has too many adds tho. I deleted it


Oi! Read this. Anyway hi, I’m O B S E S S E D with this game. That’s basically all I have to say- THANKS FOR MAKING THIS GAMEEEEE

yes but needs work

i absolutely love this game.. but once you get past level 500 it gets all messed up and glitchy and it really needs more levels then it would be perfect

Good game but something wrong

I love this game but there is way to many adds it seems like very time you die you have to watch a add and that makes the games is boring

Theses kids

BRUH STOP BEING A crybaby just turn off the wi-Fi dumb crybaby who Talk a about the adds 1 star kids


I saw an ad that said the game added songs BUT DID NOT ADD SONGS X(

Winner for challenging games

This game is just so challenging, which makes it really tough!!! So if you feel like a challenge, download this app!!!


U made a perfect game top 4 of me games