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Row Row App Reviews

Row Row app recently received 7 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Row Row app an average rating of 4.32 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 3.8K ratings since its release on Mar 19 by Part Time Monkey Oy. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Row Row?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.00 out of 5

3.8K global ratings

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7 Positive User Reviews for Row Row

No back stroke

Super cute and would be endless fun but #1 there is no option to make game a little slower and #2 because it’s too fast you are constantly stuck and since there is only a forward stroke, unlike real kayaking , again you are constantly stuck and have to either restart or suffer through the same Royal Match ad. Could be a great game and moneymaker for the creators if not so frustrating.

This game is great!

This game is really fun! I have finished every level with my friend! This would have been 5 starts but there is a lot of ads and only 25 levels, so can you please add more levels? Thanks!

Download this game

This game is very fun to play when you are bored. I like how it doesn’t annoy you with ads. There are cool collectibles that you can get. This would have been 5 stars but my only problem is that there are only about 25 levels in the whole game. I know it came out 4 years ago, but Part Time Monkey Oy, please add more levels, this game has some potential and deserves more attention. Also download more games from this game maker, they have other fun games.

Back paddle

Fun game, but would be better if you were able to back paddle to get yourself unstuck.

Too many ads involved

It’s a cool game but the ads get way too annoying


U can get rid of the ads by turning off cellular data on your phone while playing it(your phone will stay make calls and text with cellular off.)

Jack Treharne

Vary good but I wish they would add more boat and also I wish that we could have different colors for boats and since I’m a real white water kayaker can you please add more boats and more levels but overall I think it’s good but add them please!!

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