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Rule Master App Reviews

Rule Master app recently received 11 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Rule Master app an average rating of 4.73 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 127 ratings since its release on Jan 24 by Universal Queue LLC. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Rule Master?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.36 out of 5

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11 Positive User Reviews for Rule Master

Incomplete questions

Good questions and suitable for review and exam prep. Unfortunately many of the questions are incomplete showing three dots(…) instead of displaying the entire text.

Ready for the test! 🙌🏼

I love the app so much! Very user friendly. A lot of great information to study and review! This was so helpful and really prepared me to have the understanding I needed to feel confident for the exam!


Great app. Used it to study for my Yachtmaster exam. It’d be very helpful if the relevant COLREG rule was linked when answering a question correctly as well as when incorrect.

Beautifully designed app

I love the layout of the app and how easy it is to navigate between different topics. Very functional, I wish this app could be for all kinds of subjects to study for like chemistry or history. Would love to see this app expand its subjects.

Great app , one complaint

The diagrams are too small , can’t see which boat is boat “A” or boat “B”, boat 1 or boat 2.

Needs more

I definitely wouldn’t rely on this app as your sole study if you’re trying to get your RFPNW endorsement, some of the answers aren’t 100% accurate to the questions. But you get what you pay for and the person who made this probably has never sailed or hasn’t in a long time.

Good information but UX needs some refinement

Having a way to quiz myself is handy but things like very small visual aids to questions makes things difficult. For instance a diagram of two vessels in a crossing situation may be presented but it is too small for quick identification. Some questions have a character limit over the margin so only half of the question is visible.

Cool app

Cool and easy to use app. Worth a download.

Download now!!

Wonderful app!! 10/10 recommend

Actually super helpful

Surprisingly really helped me with my exam. I would recommend this is anyone instead of hand writing for studying.

Great app, slight issues

Hello, I’ve been very happy with the app, but sometimes it feels as though either there is an error, the explanation to a wrong answer is not always covered very clearly. Rule 34, I have found it doesn’t specify the different sound signals it just repeats one short blast three times. Improvements could be made in tracking missed questions and having those to train on. Thank you for making this app

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