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Shape Puzzle - Toddler games App Reviews

Shape Puzzle - Toddler games app recently received 10 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Shape Puzzle - Toddler games app an average rating of 4.43 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 14 ratings since its release on Apr 21 by Jia Ningrui. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Shape Puzzle - Toddler games?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.60 out of 5

14 global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Shape Puzzle - Toddler games app: Spain, France, Sweden, Italy, Germany.

10 Positive User Reviews for Shape Puzzle

Shape puzzle

I purchased this app but there is not 270 puzzles like the app stated.


Kids enjoy learn , helps a lot to my autistic kid

Hours of fun

My two year old lives the puzzles and games. He spends a lot of time playing on this app. It's his favorite!

Fun and educational

My 4yr old is really enjoying this app. It's a fun and educational app that keeps him busy while mom is trying to get things done..

Great game

My 3yr old and i like to play this game together and practice our French and Spanish vocab. We love it.

My 4yr old

My 4 yr old plays these puzzles everyday and never wants to put it away. It's great and it helps her learn also.

Muy buena aplicación para niños

Excelente! solo en los animales del circo hay una equivocación en la traducción de "seal" que en español es "foca" y le pusieron 'sello' que es incorrecto Lo demás muy padre y educativo!!

Kids love it

Keeps kid having fun

Fun for toddlers

Kids been playing with this app for a while now, loves it and updates make for more fun.

Shape puzzle

Tons of puzzles and words!

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