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Sheepshead Scorer App Reviews

Sheepshead Scorer app recently received 13 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Sheepshead Scorer app an average rating of 4.46 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 13 ratings since its release on Jan 23 by Neal Mikulsky. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Sheepshead Scorer?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.77 out of 5

13 global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

13 Positive User Reviews for Sheepshead Scorer

Awesome app

This app is NOT a sheepshead game. It is a scoring app to keep track of the game, and it's great at that. No better scoring app out there for sheepshead. Has all the features of any score I've ever played with. It covers all pay outs and never messes up. Absolutely great app, if you play sheepshead, buy this!

Almost 5 stars

Great app! Just wished it let you have partners in 4 handed, then it would be 5 stars!

Cash option?

I am all about simplicity, that being said it would be nice to have an end game screen that converts points into cents. We play for .20 cents a point...


This has been a great application! I use this all the time when I play with my friends because it has all the features I need and it's simplicity makes it easy to use.

Works nice!

Has all the features one would need and works perfectly. Now we don't need to exchange money after each hand during our games.


Makes it easy to see the game history. Stats are interesting to review, wins, losses, picks, partner. Auto dealer sits out feature and dealer movement take question away of who dealt last. Lester's, doubles, playing alone all handled easily.

Great App for keeping score

Don't have to worry anymore for keeping score while playing sheepshead!!

Sheepshead Scorer - A++++

By far, the best and easiest way to score Sheepshead!!!

Handy & Flexible

Ver2.10 This may be the only scoring app left in the app store, but it’s the only one you’ll need. It works great!! Virtually every conceivable scoring option is covered, and the stats provided are an added bonus. It tracks who’s sitting out each hand on crowed tables... and you can manually sit players out for an extended time, and then bring them back in whenever you want. The only feature I would suggest is for the app is to get out of the way of streaming audio from background apps (in my

Solid scoring app

Thanks for making this! Its been useful. I like the ability to have a rotating seat to sit out for when you’ve got 6-7 people. A couple new feature ideas: 1. Have a screen that shows all the trump cards as a reference for newer players. 2. Indicator for the called suit. Sometimes our games move slowly with interruptions and someone always forgets this. 3. Allow inserting a player in a particular position after the game has started. We had someone show up late and had to enter him in the last

Need iOS 11 Support

Help! My favorite sheepshead scoring app is no longer functional. Let’s get this thing update so I can continue to love this app and use it for decades of more sheepshead. Otherwise amazing.

Love the new update

I was worried for a while that the developer wasn’t updating the app anymore but not only has it been updated for the new iOS, they’ve even added some more features. Great job!

Great scoring app

This is a pretty neat little app that is so handy to use. I’ve figured out a workaround for how to score when players come into the game late and then sit somewhere other than after the last player, but it would be great if you could add the ability to add a player and choose the position. (Right now I just either start a new game and use the player history feature or ask the new player to sit next to the person that was my last entry.)

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