11 Positive User Reviews for Signal Spirit Communication
works great
This app works great, I was able to get very accurate responses to my questions. I connected with a little boy named Tommy with a previous app about a year ago. Tommy also came through on this app! I was able to get clear responses with help of an audio editing software.
Good app
Won’t save my presets. It’ll say it’s saved, but when I go back to the app later, it’s all back to factory preset. There hasn’t been an app update since I’ve downloaded this. I’ve been using using spirit box’s for years & the only thing I get on this one is the radio. I mainly downloaded this because it was recommended by Steve Huff. Necrophonics & my faithful SB-7 are still the best
Stations not coming threw even after update and re loading after deleting app .
Can you please fix
It completely stopped working today. Can’t find any app support
It was amazing when I first bought it a few weeks ago, but it stopped sweeping stations and is now completely silent. I tried to contact app support, but it just takes me to the website with no one to contact. No updates available either. I’m sad because I really loved it. It was incredibly helpful during a few investigations.
Needs work
Does not store settings after closing app. Started to communicate just after downloading app .
Can’t believe I got to get answers from my boy man smh I love this app great job wow
Great app!
I love the app and the customizable presets. I have gotten great communication with it. My only complaint is the 3D effect can get a little annoying when turning the knobs. Other than that, best mobile portal box in the game.
Good app
The app is pretty good. But it won’t save my presets. It’ll say it’s saved, but when I go back to the app later, it’s all back to factory preset
It’s great.. until it stops working.
The app was working and not when I turn it on it makes no noise. It’s an expensive app so I hope it gets fixed. I’d like to use it.
2 Negative User Reviews for Signal Spirit Communication
This one VS Necrophonic
I gave it an try and all I get is radio & every time I open it my settings are wrong.. I programmed it 5-8 X’s on all preset buttons & none of them keep my settings after closing the app..
Sometimes when I’m not sober I think the app works and hear them talking VS sober sessions...
Necrophonic is still better then this one...
I feel a negative presence from using this app
Ever since using this app, I’ve experienced nightmares and audio hallucinations. At this point I don’t know if I need an exorcist or something, but I think the spiritual repercussions of using this app may be more than we bargained for.