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U.S. App Store App Reviews

The app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given app an average rating of 3.98 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 223.5K ratings since its release on Mar 22 by Lowtech Studios LLC. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.56 out of 5

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45 Positive User Reviews for

This game is great, but it need minor improvements

So as I was say this is an awesome game, it’s just that there is this new update on the iPhone and I can’t get rid of it. The update is screen check, it stops the whole game just to say “iPhone is too close” and I run into other opponents. This is really frustrating because I will be so close to beating my high score, and then “iPhone is too close” pops up again. I wish there was a way to pause the game. Another thing is that the skins should be updated. It’s really boring when it’s just the sam


I know you all remember when this game used to be super popular and I miss that time All I have to say is that this game is still amazing and I still love to play it #Slither.ioForever!

Pretty good over all

Just needs to work on the controllers because the turn was too slow and it needs like a background music or something small but it’s over all great


This game is cool and REALLY Fun! Sometimes I get my music, And play. Good job, Developers! (PS: This is Way Better then -LemonDeer

Definitely the best

This game is best with your own skin and cosmetics and they need to add a logo attached to your custom skin so the game is this great! 8)

It’s a classic but…

This game is 100% part of my childhood, but now looking back at it, other snake-based games kind of just overshadow it. First of all, this community is toxic, and second of all, it just gets boring after a while. Maybe some sort of filtering could at least help prevent offensive names

Yes bro you’re a OG

You’re truly a OG game ok even though there’s a buncha copy cats you’ll always be the best!

This game is soooo good!

I was playing it in the car for a little bit and it was a little bit glitchy, But it’s is a really good game and I have been playing it since a while back but this app is also available on poki you should try that out! You can just search poki and it will come up so bye!


First of all, there’s no ads zero second of all you could play this anywhere there’s no Wi-Fi required And third of all, it’s a great game to play for the reasons that I just said so download this app right now❤️🫶🏻


Best game ever played but so not fear and boring

Great game

This game is amazing I would like more games like this


I had my character on slither io and because of my name snakes of other proportions tried and tried to kill and intimidate me. I would like for the slither.Io community to accept and love “aids”

It’s amazing!!

I havnt played in so long (since 2013.) I just found this game and i remember it so well! i give this a 5 star because it’s original, and also, it’s just..amazing! I gave us 5 starts because it’s actually options against real players, or bots! I also gave it that much starts because i honestly miss it so much.

Like it

I like this thingamajig

Bug-Free and just like the browser version, except for the controls

Everything works as it should, except the controls are so chuggy and slow making it impossible to slip past fast moving players. These controls need patched for the game to be playable

Love it!!!

I have played this game since I was little, and it is just so fun. I definitely recommend ❤️❤️

The game is all right

I don’t really like how the game has no sound but besides that’s really good Controls are slightly hard but pretty good


It slays the day!!!!

Good job

I love this it is super super fun 🤩👦🏾💁🏾‍♂️🙇🏾‍♂️🙇🏾😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀


TRASH (i only rate it 5 star so you can see it)


Wow this game is soooooooooo good

AMAZING but I little frustrating

I love this game sooooo much but it gets frustrating when I am little and I kill a BIG snake and then another big snake comes and gets all my food. (I play with A I )

I luv u snakes 🍫

I give a five it’s my fav and really peaceful plz try and give a good review “U HERE DIS WILL CHANGE YOUR BAD LIFE “!


I love thisGame it is so cool


Good game but I tried to turn with the arrow and it didn’t work like I lagged plus I logged off on one of the games mid way I came back a little little like 20 seconds later and I was still there

good game

it is a great game but I feel like there should be like areas where like all the big ones go all the medium ones go in or the small ones go I feel like there should just be like tags for like most of the small ones are most of the big ones are most of the medium ones are it will just be really helpful because I really like want to kill all that big worms or like the number one one

Very good

So when I was 3 I ask my parents and they downloaded it and I grew up playing this but add one new skin please


Not so good but I like the feature where you can make a custom worm


This is a good game I’ve played it for two years but i think that one of the problems is the control on the snake. The snake is very slow and the reaction time to my control is terrible

Go to but not very great

Hi maybe you shouldHave a added dogs


LeGame LeIs LeGood. LeI Leenjoy LeSnakes LeMurdering Leeach LeOther.

I love

I love but there’s a little problem I can’t see the enter code but I still like it but still is there a way to enter a code in enter code cause I can’t find it

To Much lag

This game is great in all but the one problem I had while I was playing was lag, when the game lags everyone went SUPER fast and every time it lagged I die because some one ran into me so developers please fix this problem. PS. Thank you

Slither io. is the best app ever I would love to recommend this to anyone that wants to play on it

Why i like this game

Its great for no wifi i love playing with ur mom

So fun

I have been playing it off and on since 2016 but always charges me up would recommend

Needs updates

Just the same old game

Great game, but need one change!

This is a great game and is very addictive. I like how you can customize your snake and name! It could be way better if there was a pause button though. Sometimes I need to do something or whatsoever and then I have to die. Great game but a pause button would help!

It’s a super good game



Where the enter code button?

Real good

I like it its pretty good its kind of relaxing and frustrating but that Depends on like how you play it. sometimes it glitches but that’s like on the minor side of things but overall it’s a pretty good game.


I keep getting killed it’s so frustrating!!!

It’s very nice

I have a few bugs and glitches so maybe fix those


So so fun but kinda repetitive

Love The way how this game is

I’ve been playing this game for three years by now and I play 24 seven no time to go to the library or school every time I wake up I keep on playing this game it’s amazing