16 Positive User Reviews for Solipskier
Update broke it
Was a great game, but the update messed with where the game recognizes my finger is and the graphics have become very low-Rez. Playing on an iPhone 5S
very fun, addictive, and simple. But when I die, none of the buttons work and I can't restart. Fix this please.
I love the game but the last update sucked
I used to play this game a lot but since the update it's hard to because of how far it starts from your finger. Also I can't click anything on the screen that comes up after you play a game so I have to kill the app and open it back up. Another thing is the resolution just looks really crappy and it kinda makes it not as, I guess you could say, exciting, as it used to be
Kind of a major problem m
Restart button doesn't actually work, so I have to quit the game to start another round. Otherwise the game plays fine.
Still an amazing game after they finally fixed it up for newer phones.
Um.... wat
This is a really good game. I think it should have been free, though. If I die and have to restart, it won't let me click the restart button. In fact, it won't even let me click any button! Above that stuff, I think it's a pretty good game.
still here in 2018
I’ve had this game for almost 6 years now and i’m dreading the day that it stops working because it’s one of my favorites.
Still one of my favorites
It’s a classic
Great Game!
Still one of my favorites and still works without an update for 7 years! Hope this game continues to work for many years to come.
So many memories
For some reason this game popped into my head and I couldn’t remember the name. I searched “ski” in my purchased section and found it! This game was awesome 7 years ago! Please update for newer devices or make a Solipskier 2! I’m surprised there never was a sequel.
The music
The music is gone. That was a great part of the game. Maybe there is something wrong with app?
Still one of my favorites games ever since it first released on iPhone. Imagine if the developer updated this!
Still A Great Game
After all of these years, this game is still one of my favorites. The graphics are dated, but that’s the only gameplay downside. An update for X series would be very much appreciated.
10 years and still kickin it!
Thanks for the cert update so I can keep playing!
Yay it works
Cool little game, speedy and light.
1 Negative User Reviews for Solipskier
It’s awesome online, but bad on the app.
I love this game on the website. Then, I got the app. I was VERY disappointed when I started playing the game. First of all, there was no pause button, which is on the website. Secondly, sometimes I go through gates and it doesn’t do anything. And the the thing I hate the most, sometimes it just randomly stops painting snow, when my finger is still on the screen. It also has pretty bad graphics, which I don’t really mind that much. PLEASE FIX.