Sonic Forces: Run Battle Game App Reviews
The Sonic Forces: Run Battle Game app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Sonic Forces: Run Battle Game app an average rating of 4.61 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 122.1K ratings since its release on Sep 24 by SEGA. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Sonic Forces: Run Battle Game?
122.1K global ratings
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45 Positive User Reviews for Sonic Forces: Run Battle Game
Turn off adds please
I don’t have to say a lot for this, but make the events longer. I checked the nine event and it’s up for only 6 days! People have school. If you respond to this, please fix this and thank you
Super silver Detective tails Agent sonic: that one in sonic speed simulator Android shadow Neo metal sonic Super classic sonic Dr starline Sage Mach 3.0 Movie eggman Thorn rose Rough and tumble Marine These are the characters we need hope you add them peace✌🏻
Eather remove them for free or make a micro transaction to remove ads. Please. I would pay five 💵 for no ads.
Every time I try to play a match it just gets stuck loading and loading.But it is still a great game 👍
i love sonic so much and i,m now 7 years old i,m sonic fan,so i love this game so much. super form,it can go threw any opstocles and items,and new charactor rusty rose,it is awsome! thank you for making this game.SEGA!this game is so fun.
This is seriously the best ad watcher out there but occasionally they interrupt your ads with a minute of gameplay. It’s a fun game, but this is 90% unskipable ads.
It has a lot of updates it is not letting me play the game so slow down on the updates.
Can we do an offline mode where we race against bots and we can still get prizes
I love the game keep it up and make sure to keep new updates for Christmas.
You should make where it reamber you progress I delete and now I don’t have my stuff and can you make it we’re noobies get to choose one special and one untral rare and 3 comomons and 2 rares
I love this game and I have ever skin
I’m the one giving you the L, mb.
I like to play this game all day and this is so much fun. I recommend this please play this game I recommend it.
Sonic the hedgehog is the greatest of all time
Love it absolutely in love but I’m the rapid recap event went to fast I couldn’t get not one character it’s crazy cuz I was really wanting those so pls redo the event once it ends and increase the time for each day? That would be great! And it would also help others playing to stock up on special’s I will give 5 stars if fixed pls 🥺
I don’t even know what to write that’s wrong
Sega if you are reading this I have to say that this sonic forces speed battle game is amazing and you did good but there are some problems with the game like when sometimes when you go into a battle it would log you out and also sometimes you can’t be able to do races and when my sonic forces got deleted it takes super long to load and won’t load for days so it would make it better to fix these problems please and bye.
Great game been playing since the beginning on many different devices.But with all the new characters and abilities the invincibility item feels unless now it’s slow and doesn’t even work sometimes please fix other than that keep it all the same guys👍
El juego es buenísimo,me gustaria si uno de los ataques de Sonic fuera el homing attack
Paladin Amy is now my new favorite character
Out of every game this game is 100% my favorite. It has every thing!!!😍😃
It is really fun to play but the down side is that it logged me and my sister out for no reason it was in 2 different devices
Well this game is really fun to pass time and the best thing is the game is free
Higher level people can beat lower level people. Can you make it so lower level people will meet lower level people. Like if I had a level one sonic can you make it where you can see people around your characters level.This is a good game but if you can make that possible it’ll be better. Thanks.
Can you please add tangle, - the best tangle fan
I love this game so much I got my fav character tails so quickly and I got so good at it now I get first place all the time now I am a god at the game plus I’m sonic fan so keep up the good work and make more sonic games for me to try out and more movies 😸
I’ve loved sonic since I was 3 and the first time I saw this game I loved it so much that I almost cried best game 10/10
I love this game but 1 problem… I CANT CHOOSE MY OWN NAME Like I can only do random names so pls fix it so I can change my name
Well let me tell you if you don’t think its good we’ll what’s wrong with you
This is honestly one of the greatest SEGA creations yet. It brings classic, and newly developed characters together to race and fight battles to reach the finish line! If you’re reading this review right now, you should download it from my advice! Happy gaming! #silver24rox
Sometimes when playing you will get first place and get 15 trophies while the person in second place gets 22 trophies this happens a lot of times and it’s really annoying to see you lose out on trophies that should have been yours overall through great game
I like this game this is so cool I like it so much!
Just like sonic dash clash Royale
The game had lagged out on me once I tried to claim movie sonic. I pressed the claim button several times and then the app closed on me . What gives ???
Just like super sonic when first came out i was grinding and everything.but every time im bout to win sonic uses that super sonic thing and gets first place .so can yall fic that
Pretty good game, it’s like sonic dash but multiplayer. But, Is there a way to go back to an old account because I used to have shadow in it but it got deleted from a ipad.
This game is good for all ages, it’s a fun sonic racing game
I love the fact how you added so many sonic charecters that we know and love, and won of my favorite charecters wisper is a great addition we love you game keep doing the good work
I love this game sooooooo much ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🦊❤️I love you can be more characters I love this game if you are a sonic fan get this game and you won’t regret
Hey guys I accadent Lu deleted the app and lost ALL my Progress movie knuckles and sonic I had everything so I had to restart but I still LOVE THE GANE IT IS SO AWASOMR ADD IT TO NINTENDO AND ILL GET IT if it’s free
This Game is the BEST!
Please add cosmo from sonic x, mephiles the dark from sonic 2006, and gamma from sonic adventure pleassssse
I love the game but please Bring the custom name’s pack