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Sound Touch App Reviews

The Sound Touch app recently received 38 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 2 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Sound Touch app an average rating of 3.86 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 78 ratings since its release on Oct 24 by SoundTouch Interactive. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Sound Touch?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.66 out of 5

78 global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Sound Touch app: Spain.

38 Positive User Reviews for Sound Touch

Diversity needed

I’ve had this app since its arrival on the iPhone. It was one of the few I kept when purging most of my children’s apps when I retired as an early intervention SLP. I just updated today and am stunned by the lack of racial diversity in the images of humans. The past few years have brought a long overdue awareness of the absence of diversity in all media formats. The absence in this otherwise beautiful app is particularly egregious given its audience of young children who benefit from seeing raci

My Autistic Daughter Loves It!

This app was one of my autistic daughter’s favorites, but then they got the bright idea to make her have to choose voiceover and language options EVERY TIME she opens the app, with no option to permanently set your choices. Needless to say, she doesn’t understand and is just completely frustrated every time she wants to play. For an app geared towards toddlers, this update makes absolutely no sense. If they ever fix this stupid update, I’ll happily change this to a 5 star review. UPDATE: the de

SoundTouch ver 1.4 app

Ver 1.4 SoundTouch

Used to be great, but now…

This app was one of my autistic daughter’s favorites, but then they got the bright idea to make her have to choose voiceover and language options EVERY TIME she opens the app, with no option to permanently set your choices. Needless to say, she doesn’t understand and is just completely frustrated every time she wants to play. For an app geared towards toddlers, this update makes absolutely no sense. If they ever fix this stupid update, I’ll happily change this to a 5 star review.

I'm in awe!

I'm shocked this app only has 40 some ratings and 4 stars! 🤯 I've used this app for the last 10 years, with 4 of my own kids and several family members' kids and it's been a life saver as well as a wonderful educational tool! I've watched it morph and become more amazing in that time. They've added more options, titled the animals and objects and changed out sounds, to keep it fun. This is absolutely the one app I've had since first getting a smart phone and I would recommend it over ANY other a

One piece


Full version has an ad??

We paid six dollars for the full version and it was great, now all of a sudden when you open the app there is an advertisement. Otherwise this is a nice app, my toddler loves it.

Love it!

I am a Speech-Language Pathologist and love it! I wish it was field of 1-2 as well!

Call me old school.

When I was a kid, if I wanted to see or hear this many things, I had to visit a museum, a zoo, a safari, and a bird sanctuary! So pleased at how my 16 month old loves to experience all of the categories (especially the cat :) Best baby app I own.

All-Time Favorite

My kids loved it before the language additions. Even better with the many different languages to choose from.


Great app, my kid loves it. Please keep updates coming!


What a great app! Each object has 4 pictures and 4 different sounds. Great job designer!!

Even as an adult...

I'm actually using this app to my advantage, as I'm currently learning Japanese and the ability to choose a language is cool as well as having the word spelled out!


Does anyone know the title of the 5th organ song with the picture of 2 decked keyboards facing left.


We love this app! Our 18 month old absolutely loves this app. He just points at the iPad and makes a duck sound and we know then and there he wants to see his animals! So excited there are video versions too!

Happy Mama

This app helped my non-verbal toddler learn a lot! I highly recommend this app for therapist and parents. His therapist loves it too :)

Love the app

I like this app and I'm 15 years old!

Love it, but...

I would give it a 5th star if you would have a voice say what the item is (i.e. pig, truck, piano).

Best App for 1 year old

My 1 year old daughter loves this app

Best app for babies

Entertained both of our kids for a long time. They love it!

Worth the download

I work with children on the autism spectrum. I use this app to teach generalization. Even my typically developmental 18 month old grand-daughter can be distracted and redirected using this app.

Kids Love it!

This application changes picture and the sound of the picture selected. Is easy to use. The bad part is the baby becomes addicted to the iPhone or iPad and wants to take it from your hand.

Toddler perfect

My toddler uses this app perfectly

12-22months kids will love!

Love this teaches my son all the sounds and words

Love it

Our toddler loves it. For people requesting a parental lock, try googling 'ipad guided access''s built in for free.

Great app - 1 suggestion

I love this app for my child. If possible, I'd like to see it add a feature where a kid cannot click out of the app. Thank you!


To lock your ipad use guided access

Fantastic for toddlers

The best iPad app I've found for toddlers. No extraneous buttons. No stupid Facebook sharing buttons (who puts that in a game for toddlers?!). Nice and simple. My son loves it. Great job.

Remove startup ads please

I bought the full version but the update makes it unusable because of the full screen ad with no method to close it. There is literally no way past the ad. Epic fail.

My daughter loves this.

This is a very entertaining app for my 20 month old daughter. It also does not have obnoxious ads.

Sound touch

I like this app it was very educational my kids they love it too.

Grandchildren love it!!!

This app is great for grandchildren! My 22 month granddaughter is fascinated with it!

Please remove the snake !!!

Our whole family likes this app but we all fear the snake. It's just creepy. Can you offer the option to remove some unwanted animals?

Love it

My 2 year old loves it! My only issue is that on the main page, under the chicken icon, the picture for "chicks" is actually ducklings.

Love this!

I have loved this app for a long time!!! I am a Speech-Language Pathologist and I use it for reinforcement, categories, describing, verbs, etc. Thank you!!! The video and sound are great! Good variety and choice of categories and examples.

Love it

Edit: thanks to the developer response I finally now can see the names of the animals. I should have checked the settings oops :) My son loves this app and now I will be able to tell him the different bird names, etc. Thanks for the info!

2 Negative User Reviews for Sound Touch

Why the back arrow?!

This app was perfect...until the back arrow was added to go back to the main screen. My toddler loves this app but isn’t old enough to understand the need to push the arrow to go to a new picture. PLEASE please go back to the version with NO arrow required.


I paid for the full version so I can get rid of the ads, but now the full version has ads??