18 Positive User Reviews for Space Leaper: COCOON
When is the next update?
I speak little English, We need Chinese help. Thank you very much.
I love this game!
I love this game because of the quality, the characters, and the attacks! I recommend this game!
Love you guys!
This is a game I wouldn’t mind seeing a 15 minute YouTube ad on.
An amazing game so far!
I love the artwork on this game it really got me inspired to draw more. The whole game is great in general but I personally love looking at the game art it is soooo pretty! I love this I one hundred percent recommend!
great game, but for some reason the new update makes my apple ID login fail
how to fix this??
Best customer service
My account was unstable to be login in due some bug i am guessing i use the customer service and they help me record my account please keep up the good work
A game worth while
It takes a while to understand the mechanics, but the unique mechanics is one of the draws. There were times where I was able to beat a more powerful enemy by tactically rearranging my units, not a thing that would be possible in most games. The game is generous, but let’s face it all new games usually are until they can get a larger following. The style is to die for, I love the colorful and futuristic feel. It is still under construction so there are some things that need to be dealt with. Ove
Decent game for furries
But it’s completely brain dead easy. You’ll drop this game in about 2 days max.
Very fun to play wish to see more stuff!
I really love this game like really really love this game it’s very enjoyable the story line is awesome the characters I love all of them the art is amazing the battle system is also amazing heck this game is the best game I have on my phone
Didn’t think I would like this game but it’s soo much fun & very f2p! You like idle games? Try it! 💚
Good game BUT
Character pixel art is pretty bad… I mean… So bad, is looks like they used deviant art base for it
I really like this game but there’s an issue with the layout of Scanning for new characters, I can’t hit scan because there’s icons in front of them. Please fix please!!
This is a beautiful and well done game. Don’t let the Pretty Girls trick you it thinking this is just another cash grab for horny dudes- it’s actually really fun and adorable. Lots to do in a day, too. Super easy to learn and jump right into.
Love the game
Some of my previous requests still stand but right now I would really like the idea of a hybrid class or polar element, example; A hybrid class could be a mix between Tank and Healer, but not as effective as dedicated classes. Polar element would have an element in correlation to its weakness element and able to benefit from both elements if the party allows for it.
The aesthetic in this game is beautiful.
Everything about this game exudes quality and refinement, from the gameplay, to the UI and the art style. This game is great for both casual and more competitive strategy gamers with the simplified, yet vast TFT/Autochess styled gameplay and mechanics. Lots of lovable characters with unique and lavish designs with great voice acting. You can tell a lot of time and effort went into the making of this game. Highly recommended!
Pretty, pretty confusing.
Okay, I can really tell a LOT of love went into this game, but man is there so much junk everywhere, so many little things that make it so confusing and complicated, I know there’s supposed to be strategy but I don’t even know what’s going on, the art is amazing, that’s about it.