15 Positive User Reviews for Spellsword Cards: Origins
iPhone version is cut off at the top.
Game is great, but the iPhone version is cut off at the top of the screen, stopping the player from seeing some important info. Doesn’t make the game unplayable, but it is distracting and annoying, stopping full enjoyment.
It seems RNG > Skill but still fun
Sometimes you just get crappy hands dealt and I've often found myself unable to do any damage at all with certain builds in the very first fight. But if RNG works in your favor, it makes for an interesting game to waste a few minutes at a time on.
I absolutely love this game. This is probably my favorite deck builder after sts
This is one of the best deck builders I’ve played
Almost perfect
It would be perfect if there was a multiplayer option. Besides that I have no complaints, totally worth the buy.
Great Game
Finished all achievements so I’ve surely enjoyed the game. Looking forward to future expansions.
Localization not working
Although traditional Chinese is listed in the language drop down list, choosing it has no effect. Please fix it.
Nice Card Game
I love the variety and different variations of gameplay while also having that RMG in it.
Fun game
In depth fun game that keeps your attention
Great game
This is a fantastic little game. Satisfies my MTG and Hearthstone desire.
Fantastic game!
With tons of different combinations and a huge card library, this game has devoured hours!
Great game!!
Really enjoy this game! It’s complex and fun to play!!
Great game
This is a fantastic title and what I would call is the dark souls of games, criticism here is your mana should refresh like your actions do, instead of only being limited if you don’t own a mana recharge card -_-
2 Negative User Reviews for Spellsword Cards: Origins
Hate The Playond Ads
I paid for this game but now, after the most recent updates, it is filled with ads for some service called “Playond.”
One of my favorite mobile games. Since the sale to playond I now require data coverage to play, receive ads and battery usage increased. I buy pay once offline style games for a reason. Ruining one of my favorites, thanks.