Spicer - Sex Ideas For Couples App Reviews
The Spicer - Sex Ideas For Couples app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Spicer - Sex Ideas For Couples app an average rating of 4.56 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 2.1K ratings since its release on Aug 24 by Spicer Limited. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Spicer - Sex Ideas For Couples?
2.1K global ratings
45 Positive User Reviews for Spicer
Love this app
I just left a review under the nickname “blelelele” not only is it easy to use and entertaining to swipe through it also gives my partner and I a place to solely talk about intimacy when we’re not together. Which in my opinion is helpful.
This app has been great for communication with my partner but the technical issues are almost making me delete it. Questions added from packs or self-created are very often not sent to the partner for answering.
Really helping open my bashful husband up. We have had struggles with mismatched needs and interest and this helps us find a middle ground and gives him a safe space to express things he normally wouldn’t.
Thought it might help with my marriage but my wife never downloaded it. Seems like it might be good though, especially for people with anxiety around this subject.
Great game helps keep things fresh and interesting
I am so happy
The app doesn’t update between myself and my partner for sometimes up to two days. I’ve sent dates and she’s sent dates and both of us haven’t been notified to accept.
Me and my husband has been married 10 years and this is the first time we have been honest about what we like!
Definitely love this app it has stepped things up a notch.
Really does open a hot fun
The free stuff is worth it if you’re just looking to see what you’re partner is interested in. I don’t think for my relationship a monthly/year long subscription is worth it so that’s a bummer. Maybe that’ll change.
It’s ok. Some pay walls
Enjoy the app. Lots of good valid questions. I wish there was a category that would allow you to state fantasies that you don’t expect to be realities.
It’s a fun way to get the conversation going with your partner.
Just a great way to get your creative juices flowing and start having more exciting conversations with your lover/lovers
Only been using the app for a few days. But it’s definitely opened up some new experiences for us!
Is there a way for my partner to only be able to answer questions I’ve said Yes to? Makes for easier matching and dare addition. Otherwise great app
Both of us have opened up to each other which has made our relationship healthier
App is fun for couples to learn things about each other.
There is a wide variety of questions available for free. Following the free questions you are able to purchase a questions at a nominal price. You can also make your own questions. The packs have to be purchased on both phones. The additions or things that are missing: No way to filter though question besides search functions (for matches and answered questions), no way to go straight to your own questions. This is worth the money and is good for both experienced and new couples.
Good information!
Definitely helps open the communication if you feel stuck or frustrated.
the packs are an L
Honestly, this ad does what most of the other garbage NSFW-based apps try to do, it generates a ton of new ideas for me and my way to try, without being bombarded with ads every 10 seconds
Балуемся с девушкой) Очень забавная идея. Немного путаешься когда отвечаешь на парные вопросы. Получаются весьма комичные варианты) Было бы лучше, если б можно было понять кому именно адресован вопрос)
really starting to like this app, my partner and I have gotten a lot more open about things after using.
My wife and I love it. So much fun.
Has definitely helped spice things up
It definitely added spice to my relationship. It has lead to conversations that I don’t think we would have ever had. It gives you so many ideas to explore and even hints and tips to help you along.
This is a fun way to start discussions on things that you and/or your partner like, or are interested in trying. There is a pretty good selection of kinky and vanilla things to try.
Unlike the other couples app, this one is fun and not going to be deleted after one use.
Nobody monitors the feedback. I have an issue with the app, and have tried to reach out to the developer, but I’ve gotten no answer.
The wife and I love it! No matter what be honest and remember there are no wrong answers!
Want to find out what you and a patter are into without running the risk of pushing their boundaries? This is the app for you.
Really great for starting some smoking conversations. The app itself can feel a bit clunky at times, but overall it’s a definite win.
Good for opening up new conversations?
This app is a lot of fun. Especially the Dare section. Me and my wife love to create our own and send them to each other.
I think this app is important for learning boundaries or expressing the in a way that’s fun and cool for your partner(s) and for self exploration too
App is good but need a easy way to change answers
Some of the questions are ok but some are very timid and mild
Really like this app! It’s a lot of fun. I wish you could connect multiple partners though.
Some of the Questions need to be phrased better.
Reply helps people that are more shy about there wants and desires cut loose and explore.
Used it with my wife for about a month and helped kick off a new chapter in our marriage. Don’t go crazy with the questions all at once, talk your time and talk about them a bit at a time and it works MUCH better… otherwise you I’ll be pouring over 100’s of answers, trying to make heads or tails.