31 Positive User Reviews for SprintTimer
Wonderful Photofinish App
This app replaces many thousands of dollars worth of equipment. We use it at our short track ice speed skating club. In photofinish mode we use it to time our races, which both gives us far better accuracy than we had with stopwatches, and also simplifies the record keeping. In “motion” mode we use it to give us lap times during practices. Hooked up to the rink’s audio system it automatically announces our times each lap. Brilliant!
Great Tool!
This is a wonderful app that replaces inaccurate hand held timers. I hope that the interface and ease of use gets improved upon. The Mac version is buggy but the iPhone version works great. Please continue to improve. Love this for coaching track. Will try out in our track meets soon.
Love this app
We use this for our home track meets. Started as the back up of the back up, then it became the back up, and now it is our main timing system and we use stopwatches as a back up. With a common start and such accuracy, I now cringe every time I see a team timing their meets with individual stopwatches. I have shared this with 3 other local schools who now use it at their meets as primary timing or a back up for their FAT system. No more scrambling to get high school kids or parents to time a meet
Great for XC meets!
We use this regularly for Cross Country meets here in Northern California (USA). We love air dropping the csv to a Mac for scoring and formatting for Athletic.net upload. An added benefit this year is that it helped with COVID safety. We put a sticky backed number on each runner's left hip and told the students to run through the line and head back to their team area (no congregating, no volunteers needed to work the finishing chute, etc.). We also posted the finish line photos for parents who c
Absolutely great
If you have a track team, get this app. I’ve been around tracks for fifty years. I’ve never seen anything else so affordable that’s even close. Works wonderfully. Every time.
Works amazingly well and simple to use. Highly recommended!
Great app
I use it all the time during track practice!
Very nice app
The program is very practical and excellent, I liked this program
Great App
I love this app. I actually attached a wireless mic to my iPad and made this app fully automatic. This makes it more functional and takes out human error. The new edition to 20 sec recording was a GREAT improvement! Keep up the good work.
Make it great for coaches
It would make using the results easier and faster if the marks made on the picture could be automatically send to a list of written results. Great idea.
Great app
Essential for anyone who is doing time trials for athletes and doesn't have the resources to have 3+ coaches per athlete.
High School Coach
Amazing app! I use it all the time in practice.
Nice, nice, nice!
Using for our youth track team. Over 60 kids running. Capturing times was difficult until we starting using this app. Love it! 5 stars!
This is a great app and it is getting from release to release
Assistant Track Coach
This app is wonderful. We use it to te all our meets.
Great App!!!
Awesome app!!! I use it all the time at meets and practice.
What a great app. I coach track and field and have been using the photo finish for my meets for two years now. Will never go back to stopwatches. We run two iPads with sprinttimer and rip through all of our laned race finishes.
Great! Lots to it. Helped at meets.
Great App
Definitely worth every penny. I'm a track and field coach.
Be careful when you save, it doesn't always save
A++ Best App on my phone
Without a doubt the most important app on my phone. Takes the guess work out of speed workouts for me.
Game Changer
I am a high school track coach. I have used it at for a few years and it has worked great. Every coach that sees it wants to know where they can get a copy.
This app helped me with my science fair project thx so much.
Great app at meets!
Coming from a coach, we use this app now to time almost all of our middle and high school home meets. We love it! Has made our job easier and requires no parent volunteers!
So good!
The sprint timer app is so incredibly good. It feels like it does everything and then some. The developer is constantly updating and improving it. I use it most every for track practices. A must have app for any track coach!
What the
Doesn’t always work the first time so I have to go in and redo the settings. Kinda a pain. Not a deal breaker.
Still the best out there!
Near fully-automatic operation - start to finish.
4 Negative User Reviews for SprintTimer
Not great
No way to start video first, then use stop watch. You can’t get start of race on video...makes no sense. Scrubbing is at 2/100s, but find that it skips a lot and can be up to several seconds skipped
Not always working
If you use this as the final result for a race, there is no guarantee that you will catch the whole event. When you go to saved races, it just shows a blank screen and no results. I’m disappointed.
Doesn’t work with Apple Watch
I tried to connect with my Apple Watch using the sprint timer then going to priv cloud, but it just says error. Furthermore, if I try to start it on my Apple Watch it just starts for no time, ends the recording and loads the recording until I close the app.
Doesn’t work well with Apple Watch
For whatever reason, the Apple Watch plays the start commands extremely quietly, more quiet than the notification sounds. I’ve contacted the app developer and never heard back to address this issue.