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SpX App Reviews

The SpX app recently received 25 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 2 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given SpX app an average rating of 4.53 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 525 ratings since its release on Nov 23 by Esper Creative. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about SpX?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.24 out of 5

525 global ratings

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3 Star
2 Star

25 Positive User Reviews for SpX


I wish they gave you an option in settings to set it to your time so you can see what time in launches


When is it the app coming on roku


Was nt the dragon the one that let all of the satellites for. Star link i think the. Dragon is so cool i was able to watch the launch and then i was able to learn more fron elons podcasts i hope to own star link soon

Great app

I am really loving this app . Tonight my wife and I was watching the live feed from the app and watching it go up from our front yard. What an awesome experience! It took off from Vandenbergh and we’re in Bakersfield and seen it going up so amazing.

Please improve this app!!!

You can launch rockets but your app making leaves some to be desired. This app is confusing and not reliable. Get an alert for a launch and then itll say the launch is in a few days or the video player wont play. Then why did i get an alert?!

Very cool

Like this app just wish space x would show how the satellite are opened and positioned. And would like text about liftoffs. Notifications 5 minutes before lift off is not enough time to open apps, 15 min would be greatly appreciated.

Love the app

The app really does allow me to follow space exploration.


I never get tired of seeing launches, it’s so brilliant. Keep up the excellent work ! Thank you all, you Rock!

Awesome coverage

The app is becoming addictive as the video coverage continues to get better. Loved the enthusiasm of the staff as the last Heavy test soft landed in the water. Awesome. Love Elon interview with ELLIE IN SPACE. Definitely Better interview than mainstream media would do.

Launch Alerts

Liking this App. Sends alerts for launches and has a launching schedule. SpaceX has a winning team!!!


Would be nice if times were not in utc . Instead in USA time zone

6/25 launch

I love watching these. Thrilling, amazing and inspiring. Great work to everyone involved! Here’s to many more!

Love it

Perfect app, well designed and really cool features.


So far so good So long Viasat

Great App!

Love the simplicity in design and the fact that it makes it so much easier to keep up with each Launch. Big fan of Space X and their mission for humanity, as well as Tesla and Elon Musk. Would love to have the opportunity one day to watch a launch or meet the genius himself. Overall, 1000% recommend if you want to keep up with everything Space X.

SpaceX Lunching

I thinking about deleting this app because I only get the count down and countdown time most of the time and do not get to the lunch in progress. I understand there are time certain lunch are blocked due to the content of the mission.

Light this candle!

Exceptional app!! Nothing better than seeing these rockets launch into space, and then watching the boosters return to the drone ship. Thankfully I like where I am able to view it up close and personal, but this app is what I have on to take me all the way through the process.

Good app

Only thing I would add is an option to add dates directly ro the calendar on the phone


Alerts don’t come early enough. Time for launch should be in users time zone. Sometimes launch times inaccurate. Other than that, I’d say you have 75% proper visibility into launch schedules … I’ve been trying to catch a launch in socal for about a month and a half and still haven’t been able due to the problems above. I’m hopeful I’ll catch the next one though.


Amazing best site


Never seen a rocket updating app solely based on SpaceX! But this is awesome!! Accurate time, articles, and everything!

Launch location request

Love the app but can you please add the launch location to the home page? And/or allow us to filter notifications by location. I live near Vandenberg in California and am only interested in local activity. Thanks!

Amazing but.

Make sure to add correct information about these launches please

2 Negative User Reviews for SpX


Notifications for launches come too late.

Worked a few times

Then the countdown timer started changing randomly causing me to miss views of launches from my house. Then some streams through the app wouldn’t work.