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Stark Kettlebell App Reviews

Stark Kettlebell app recently received 12 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Stark Kettlebell app an average rating of 4.72 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 508 ratings since its release on May 21 by Virtual Trainer Sweden AB. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Stark Kettlebell?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.50 out of 5

508 global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

Explore global reviews of the Stark Kettlebell app: Italy, Sweden.

12 Positive User Reviews for Stark Kettlebell

Could Be A Lot Better

I’m usually impressed by the trainer pro series apps. This one is lackluster. The demonstrators are not dynamic and seem to “ho hum” during the exercises. Perhaps this is aimed toward beginners. Also, this app could really use more exercises and better categorization. One exercise for abs and a triceps extension somehow works your legs while lying down? I don’t get it. This one falls a little short, but I’ll work with what it gives me.

So great!

Awesome app and easy to use!


I'm very new to Kettlebell and find this to be very helpful for a beginner. I really like this app.

Hardly any workouts

Really wanted an app with a ton of workouts. This one you have to build your own.

Does what you probably need

The few reviews less than 5 stars have some good points, but overall this is a great app. I love the auto pacing during the workout with sets and rests you can easily customize. Seems like it would be easy for them to fill with a bunch of random workouts, but I definitely wanted to customize mine to help deal with some problem areas, so that wasn’t a problem for me.

I can make it my own

While there are two pre-built workouts to show you the way, the app is designed to really let you control your workout. You can mix and match the exercises (which are categorized as easy, intermediate and hard) to suit your needs and workout goals. There is a built in Tabata Timer; my preferred way to workout for sure. The only downside is you can’t did in music. I adapt by doing this app on my iPad and then listening to music on my phone or through the Bluetooth.

Give yourself a challenge

If you want to change your routine and get out of rut this is the app for you!


Nice APP. Am a beginner and found this App very helpful. Like the fact I can program my own workouts

For young women who are intimidated by the gym

As a young woman, sometimes going into the gym can be very intimidating, especially when there are some older and more fit men that generally take over the free-weight section. With this program, and the investment of some kettle bells at home, my confidence in my understanding of how to lift correctly and my confidence in my body are both gradually improving. Would highly recommend this app to anyone and everyone!!

Good workout! Please add sound!

I love the program for the workouts. I did Tabata this morning. However, I wish that more workouts had sound or a timer so that I could focus on point in front of me while I am doing swings or snatches as a post to glancing down at my phone to see how much time I have left before my rest period. Could you please add something like that on your next update. It would make this a fantastic five star workout app.


love this app. the videos help with form and pace. I haven’t found anything as close as to effective for me!

Updated software

Thank you for keeping your apple software up to date

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