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Steam Chat App Reviews

Steam Chat app recently received 4 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Steam Chat app an average rating of 2.05 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 752 ratings since its release on Jan 21 by Valve. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Steam Chat?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 3.50 out of 5

752 global ratings

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Explore global reviews of the Steam Chat app: Germany.

4 Positive User Reviews for Steam Chat


I don’t hate this but I do hate that the two apps are not combined, and even that they are EXTREMELY hard to regonize from each other, I do get, and have the same problem with iMessage and Phone apps because they could be easily combined but this is a new level of that.

Very nice, but could be removed

I like Steam Chat. It’s a decent small chat service for friends to game. It’s got a decent amount of bugs, but it’s understandable since not a lot of people use it as compared to other chat services. I feel like Steam Chat and Steam Link could be consolidated and both added into the Steam mobile app so there isn’t a need for multiple apps to exist when one can get the job done.

yeah it works

idk why its a separate from the actual steam app and this separation just makes things more unorganized. its fine for what it is. Better if it were just built in thr steam app rather then a separate one entirely

Its fine

But why not just integrate it into the steam app like it used to be…

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