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Stenciletto App Reviews

Stenciletto app recently received 11 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 6 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Stenciletto app an average rating of 4.08 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 317 ratings since its release on Jun 24 by Q Technologies. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Stenciletto?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 3.45 out of 5

317 global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

11 Positive User Reviews for Stenciletto

Fun and some challenges

This is fun but why do we have to scroll through the intro every time we log on? This is dumb. It should recognize we are returning and not new players.

Please update

I’m enjoying the game, however I wish it saved my progress and transferred to other devices (phone to tablet and vice-versa). There’s no reason for it not to be that way if I’m logged in with the same credentials. Please make some updates.

Lovely, but the timer is stressful to me.

This is a beautiful game, and I love puzzles. … but I have never been able to enjoy a game that has a timer. I was very excited about Immortality mode! But the timer is still there! Many games allow you to play in Zen mode; I wish that were available. I’m going to have to stop playing (after only mastering a few beginner levels.) I don’t need more stress in my life! I’m giving you five stars anyway, because it is a lovely, well-implemented puzzle game.

Fantastic game!

I don't usually play a lot of games on my phone, but this one I really enjoy. It is challenging without being frustratingly difficult. I thought I would breeze past all the puzzles and be bored, but nope! I love the colors and the challenge! Thank you for a great game!

Does not correctly register alternate correct solutions

When there is a non-unique solution to a puzzle, the game only recognizes one of the solutions, e.g. in 7 steps, puzzle 12 the third and fourth step are interchangeable, but only one is recognized as correct.

6 Negative User Reviews for Stenciletto

Good idea gone bad

The stencil concept is great, but the game concept is clunky, unnecessary, and ultimately robs the actual puzzle play of any enjoyment. Revamp, get rid of kitschy cartoon art, timer and limited lives and you could have a good game on your hands.

Could be better

I want to keep playing, but instead lives are lost and I have to wait a few minutes, which is really a turnoff. I even paid the $2.99 for immortality but it does not work as expected— I want unlimited play. Maybe the timer could be an option if you want that challenge, but it makes it less fun for me. I just like trying to figure it out, and play for a while. Maybe if changes are made I’ll try it out again.

Good concept

I think it’s an amazing concept but I hate the timers (and lives but mostly the timers). It feels like the game is punishing you for playing. I get that some people must like that and I understand the appeal I do, but it’s just too quick. I wish there was a mode without timers which I don’t think would be too difficult to implement. Again, I really like the puzzles themselves but the timer is just unnecessary.

Fun game, some bugs

I really enjoy this game and bought the immortal lives! However the puzzle in group 4, board 4 doesn’t work. The puzzle displays but I can’t select any of the stencils. Posting this in hopes the developer will fix it, then I’ll update my review.

Frustrated Player

I enjoyed this app so I paid for immortality. However, it does not work properly. It worked at one time, but when I tried to play it while out of town, it switched back to a mode where I only get two lives. If I purchased immortality, why do I have to wait for lives?


I’m having problems with this game. The last two times I’ve tried to play it I can’t. It doesn’t stack the shapes. When I touch a shape nothing happens. I also bought immortality but can’t use it on the game on my iPad. It shows I have it but doesn’t give me any more lives.

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