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Sticker Drop Maker Studio App Reviews

Sticker Drop Maker Studio app recently received 19 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Sticker Drop Maker Studio app an average rating of 4.77 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 145 ratings since its release on Aug 23 by Aaron F Stephenson. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Sticker Drop Maker Studio?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.79 out of 5

145 global ratings

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19 Positive User Reviews for Sticker Drop Maker Studio

Everyone I know I put on to this

Literally have convinced dozens of people to download this app, lol! Love it!

I love this so much!

I have made so many stickers and they work beautifully. I just wish this was coordinated with my iPad / iPhone better. But the good thing is that it's easy to airdrop the folders to my devices. Thanks for being my favorite app.

Exactly what it says it does, no ads, no dumb subscriptions

This is quite easily the best app I’ve ever purchased. It does exactly what it says it does, it works intuitively, and it doesn’t make you subscribe in order to continue using it. I have made untold numbers of stickers of my dog, and I love that I can send the sticker packs to other people. This is really the coolest thing since sliced bread.

Is it possible to add sticker packs on FaceTime calls?

I love this app, it has a great ease of use for sticker making. I would really love to see my sticker pack in my sticker collection on FaceTime; is there a way to add kit working the app or could you add this feature to this app? This is an awesome app, well worth the purchase!

Best $1 I’ve ever spent

That’s all i’ve got to say.


How can I make it animated?

I never leave reviews.

But, I had to for this one. One of the best apps I’ve ever used. So intuitive and easy. Absolutely love it. I do wish there was an image editor built in. It would be nice to crop and edit images, especially with borders.


I love this app! I am having so much fun with it! Very easy to learn how to create my on stickers.

Funniest App of all time!!!

Omg, I love this app, I have been cracking up for an hour creating stickers!

Super Awesome

This app is really fun, I haven’t had this much fun with a utility style app in ages!! Great design too!!

This app is glorious.

It does exactly what it says it does. It works perfectly. No ads, no stupid videos. It doesn’t require a recurring subscription — which is a big thing for me, because I remember buying software on a cd and you owned it for life. The design is simple, everything is explained well. Honestly I just gifted it to two other people because I love it so much. This is the best sticker app.

First Messages app in ages that is actually fun

This is the kind of I’ve been hoping to see since iOS 10, but the iOS 16 release of Photo Cutout was really needed to make it happen. It’s super fun and really polished. Truly built in the best traditions of indie development. Two feature requests— most frequent section kind of like on the emoji keyboard A keyboard app or auto saving all stickers to an album so I can send these to my family Google chat. I’ve tried to get everyone to migrate to any other platform but it ain’t gonna happen.

Love this app and use it every day

I have made countless stickers. With all of texting I do, this is wonderful. My only wish is that I could share my stickers so my iPad and Mac

Perfectly simple and simply perfect!

So easy to just click and drop images from your photo library and create a near instant custom sticker. No subscription, no hassle, just one well thought out app.

Best $2.99 I've spent

This app is a gem. Lots of functionality and has provided countless hours of laughter within family threads. Feature request: not sure if it's possible but would be great to be able to edit the stickers a bit more. Sometimes the auto lifting feature in iOS picks out random unrelated, even unconnected elements at times. Would be nice to be able to 'cut' them off. Or even create circular crops to get rid of hard edges when lifted from the edge of the photo.

Great App for an Awesome Feature

Love how easy this app makes it to create a sticker of photos I’ve taken or just any photo. Looking forward to iCloud sync between devices.

Really fun!

Fun, easy to use app. I love making stickers of funny photos friends send. The drag and drop sticker method is 🙌🏽


Flawless app if you ask me. Fast. Feature rich. Reliable. I’ve got about three separate albums and am living my best life.

Almost There

I’ve been looking for an app that does exactly what Sticker Drop does for quite some time and it does the job very well. The only things that I would say it’s lacking are iCloud sync, the ability to lock sticker packs prior to sharing them to prevent modification and potential artwork theft, and the ability to set/adjust a default border option for all stickers within a pack to cut down on the workload if you decide you want to make changes after importing. If it had those, solid 5-star app.

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