20 Positive User Reviews for Superbrothers: S&S EP Micro
I **REALLY** want to play this again but…
It doesn’t work right on my phone past the opening title screen 😿 iPhone 14 pro plus. Please, please 🙏🏻 give an update? ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎
Best game on mobile.
Probably best game ever on iOS
I loved this game. From the strange cigar smoking man, crazy geometric magic, the awesome soundtrack and the aesthetics and the mood. This game remains years after playing it, one of my all-time favorites.
Wish there’d come a sequel or something of a similar vein from the same guys behind this title
Great work!!
Finally playing, and loving!
This has been on my radar for a while and I'm just now getting around to playing it. It's been so hyped I think I expected to be disappointed. But I was not. Get it.
Can't give this enough stars.
6/5 isn't an option, so 5/5 will have to make do. Play this game!
Amazing game
You must play it with headphones. Favorite game on iOS.
Strange, Interesting
I've been eyeing this game, and after it was on sale I decided to get it.
I am a huge fan of pixel-y games (for lack of a better word) and this game has amazing pixel-y graphics :)
Real fun, me gusta :)
Really great game!
It was challenging at times and requires patience. I never had to look up a walkthrough online. This is a game that rewards experimentation with an interactive interface. The animations are great. Music and sound design is also spot on.
Best Iphone indie game
Hands down a great indie game. Great story and art. Play with head phones. the music is fantastic.
The best
God this game is good. And has a female protagonist! The dialogue, the music, the backgrounds are all so cool. I even got really into how the gameplay is tied to moon phases. It took me forever but every victory made me feel like a champ.
Great fun!
This is the single greatest indie game I've ever had the pleasure of enjoying on the App Store!
Sweet Game, like Zelda
Hey thats not a bad thing people. Love how the game has you pause and get back to it when you want to!
Actual Art on iPhone
Pixel art is beautiful and the game is carefully made so that the slow pace and limited input are actually positive attributes. This is more of a story than an adventure rpg.
Nice place to spend some time, worth every penny and more.
A Thing
You need to experience the second-person emotional bizarre beautiful storytelling to a fantastic soundtrack with beeps and boops yourself. It's hard to really explain why you need to buy this. Just do it.
Best game for iphone yet
Yes, the controls are clunky at times and you'll probably need to refer to a walkthrough to complete the game, but this is by far the most thoughtful game for the ios platform yet. It's gorgeous, funny, and a thoroughly unique experience.
10 Star Game All Of You Should Get
No words for how amazing this game is!!
So cool and sweet price.
This games is pretty cool but I agree on some reviews I've read that the puzzles can be tricky and confusing. Plus this game is great for the IPhone.
Not that great
The art style is cool but the game is pointless.
My only complaint is the part where you have to wait for a bright and dark moon in the third section. Other than that the game was great with a nice art style and an amazing sound track!
Please apply some Korean patches.