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Swanky Alphabet Puzzle Games App Reviews

Swanky Alphabet Puzzle Games app recently received 7 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 2 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Swanky Alphabet Puzzle Games app an average rating of 3.71 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 72 ratings since its release on Sep 20 by Dmitriy Kuznecov. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Swanky Alphabet Puzzle Games?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 3.86 out of 5

72 global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

7 Positive User Reviews for Swanky Alphabet Puzzle Games

Wish rating it really unlocked the rest of the games

It’s ok. Daughter enjoys it.

I bought and still won’t work properly

I bought the app for my nearly 2 year old and it still locks her out of the additional letters every time. The only way to not have it do that is to open it through the App Store and even then every time she opens the app you have to go back through the App Store to have full access... quite a bummer especially when you pay for something...


Swanky alphabet is refusing to load. The other games are currently working. Some days they load and work, other days they’re barely working. I find it odd, not sure what the issue is.

Great game for 2 year old

Ok this game is great for my 2 year old. It has letter puzzles and letter matching - it’s great! Great price for what you get. There are a few things that are odd: -Robotic voice says the letters, some pronunciations are weird (like for the word elephant or the letter I) -The whole alphabet is comprised of capital letters except the letter ‘i’ Things I’d like to see added (I’d even be willing to pay extra): -Adding lower case letters next to the capital letters -Adding a matching game where yo

Kids love it

My kids love this

2 Negative User Reviews for Swanky Alphabet Puzzle Games


Would give 5 stars but I paid for this app to unlock all the puzzles and it still doesn't work!!


I purchased this app for my one year old son, who is really into puzzles and he loves it. That is until he’s trying to put part of the letter on correctly and it’s too small so it pops right out then he’s gets frustrated.

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