The Ants: Underground Kingdom App Reviews
The The Ants: Underground Kingdom app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given The Ants: Underground Kingdom app an average rating of 4.51 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 23K ratings since its release on Sep 24 by ChengDu Starunion Interactive Entertainment Technology. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about The Ants: Underground Kingdom?
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45 Positive User Reviews for The Ants: Underground Kingdom
So my fungus rate is dropping but my leaf cutters all fully supplied. So i need 300,000 funds to level up but like I said, my funds rate is broken. It overall good game👍🏾
To many redundant or unnecessary clicks to accomplish anything. The tutorial is a perfect example of this, a green spot wants me to click, so I click, however this first click is just a warmup. The game wants a preemptive click before the actual click to access what you want to do.
Love the game, play it all the time! I only wanted to ask that in one of the updates can the developers have different skin for the incests we hunt, and different skin for them incests we can add in with the troop? For example all the spiders i hunt are white… all the hermit crabs are black, all the lady bugs are white with black dots, can we have a red ladybug with no dots? Lol i jokes but i only suggestion More colors in the game, that’s all GREAT GAME LOOVE it so much.
I really enjoy this game and I play it almost every day but I have a few suggestions such as: You should be able to speed up insect hatching. A better way to get fungus. Ect. But besides those it is one of the best games ever. Thank you for this amazing game:)
第一次看过动物题材还是写实画风的游戏,忍不住下载来看看。体验下来前期还是比较像一 - 个单机游戏,对我 这种佛系玩家很友好,而且新手引导也别有用心,做到了既讲的很清楚又引导我去研究建筑升级材料,包括消 耗材料和资源存储建筑等,开始研究资源生产和资源消耗布局之后真的很上头,策略性很强!
You should make a free way for players to not get attacked, like a game mode for attacking and a game mode for peaceful. This is my only complaint and otherwise it is a great game.
Why do you have to pay to upload a avatar? Seriously it’s pretty dumb that you have to “access our camera “ let alone this!
Dear leader , May i have my bee medal
Siento mucha tristeza para los que juegan en iPhone apple no poder vincular a androide Me e cambiado a un teléfono androide y no me deja el juego vincular a mi nuevo teléfono Este juego debe permitir que los jugadores puedan salvar su cuenta,en este momento mi cuenta the ants está atrapada en apple
The feeding mechanic shouldn’t be done by hand it would be better if it was like game of war where the food is taken from the storage automatically. Just my opinion. For example if you forget to refil the feeder for a couple of days many ants start dying. It’s like when I used to play club penguin when I was a kid where I was constantly anxious if I’m giving enough attention to my puddle or they just leave.
Cada ves es más caro este juego , al final será una juego que solo los que tengan dinero podrán ganar . Desilusionado me voy
The game is amazing and I love playing it it is addictive ,but what makes it alittle disappointing is the fact that when u order ants to go attack,gather ect.they look the same and not look like the ants u realy hatched maybe if u hatch different ants the ants in the troop when going somwhere would look different and not just look the same ever since u start the game,always the balck ,red,and yellow ants the same ,maybe if gathering the ants collect and come back to the colony like a line of ant
First day after playing this game I was really addicted I like rallying up with friends
This game used to be friendly to free to play players but they continue to add more and more features that widen the gap for paying players and make it harder for free to play or even light spenders to compete. They’re closing the door on people that aren’t wealthy enough to keep up. I’ve played for almost a year and its not possible to keep up. Its a great game if you have money to burn.
First of all, it’s not as good as it looks. This is a pro it actually tells you info about ants (I love information )👍.but still needs better looks but out of all it’s a good game!
It is good game in all but I wish end of the map was a house and I wish you can fight humans Recommend play it :)
This game is good! Don’t get annoyed when it tells you what to do. That is only in the beginning. I like this game and I think you will too!
I like the game style and the main idea but the tutorial was long to me because I like games that don’t take long to get into the action. Great game overall.
I’m not very happy that iOS don’t have the ability to redeem codes only androids which gives the players that are playing on iOS devices and unfair advantage, but other then that the game is great way to let the time pass.
Iv played these kinds of mobil games many many times there all pay to win this game is different and I mean man ants are cool there discord is killer too
This game I have found is the only game that will not work if you just have wifi. Your going to need data service or it will not load.
انضم الئ التحالف اكتب بالبحث Kurdistan In the search write kurdistan then join the alliance
It want let me bind my account with apple so could you add bind with google?
Love the game but one thing that would be nice to see change is being able to stack shield other than that great game
I like this game I mean sure there’s a few typos here and there but I don’t mind community here seems to be nice too
I’m only on chapter 6 but I like it
Fun and unique from all the other similar games. Still heavily P2W but that’s typical. Latest revision completely removed gift code redemption possiblility (there is NO redeem option in the settings)
My device keeps crashing on this game but it’s a really good game but the crashing is the problem and one more thing it resets my progress I made on it.
This is one of the best multiplayer games I have ever played but it needs work in the end it’s the best game ever.
My device keeps crashing on this game but it’s a really good game but the crashing is the problem.
This game is completely ad free, that’s enough to sell me
but it’s just another mobile multiplayer game. I’m not interested in this genre tbf. Though I did enjoy the cute ants. 👍🏻
It is a really good game but when I bought resources there wasn’t enough storage so it just deleted what I bought!? 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Awesome game!! Fun gameplay and fANTastic customer service. The only reason I didn’t give it 5 stars is because it kept crashing on me every day. One can just re-start it so it’s no biggie :)
Very addicting a little annoying when there are pop ups to buy something but other then that it’s great.
Good game. Fun multiplayer, entices payment but definitely not necessary to play.
It would be a great game if my game wasn’t glitched I don’t even have the button to enter a code.
It’s a fun game to play but be aware that people take it too seriously and if you don’t have all day every day to play you will get knocked
I needed help and then i asked fairy he gave me great tips and told me a lot, my name tag in game is "SirJayden6543210" i like this game!!!!!
Awesome game, there are 2 aspects that I would like to see changed. An idle miner style, no pvp option game. And there are some steep pay walls. This is for sure a pay to win style game.
Thanks unto Hellas and LWO for enforcing NAP within the top 15 alliances ~love shadowbunny666~ Also I love this game :) it’s perfect <3
I like this game it is fun and the ants are cool :)
I really like this game as it shows tremendous thought and detail. And I have no clue what I am doing. Since everything is ants there’s no common language of what things look like or does. But it’s well done.
This game is addictive. You get better and better each day played. Find me at 25534711 543. Send me those rewards to Ant developers!! Thanks