TV Empire Tycoon - Idle Game App Reviews
The TV Empire Tycoon - Idle Game app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 3 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given TV Empire Tycoon - Idle Game app an average rating of 4.65 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 14.3K ratings since its release on Apr 24 by Digital Things. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about TV Empire Tycoon - Idle Game?
14.3K global ratings
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45 Positive User Reviews for TV Empire Tycoon
Awesome game!! It would be even better with more levels but awesome game!
I love this game and I finished it and I’m waiting for the next set so would love to keep playing!!
Hi I just love your games they’re great but I just have one thing that needs improvement. So I have been playing for a while but I find it annoying that your staff are angry and all you can do is wait for them to go on strike. So I think that if you can add maybe a little area that says what is making them angry so you can fix it. Overall I love all of your games but please think about it and.
I really enjoyed this game and was excited to open it but it took less than 3 months of casual playing to complete all 3 “studios” and now there is nothing else to do since every thing is at 100%. Overall it was a fun game and addicting to play and allows you to get to experience different genres of TV shows. The last time the game had an update was 2 years ago and I wish the developers would do so more often to keep things engaging and fun. Update: after looking at the reviews and finding out
It’s a pretty enjoyable game that I’ve gotten pretty far into. However one of the shows “your answer is” only has 3 contestants show up, but the 4th one never appears, causing the show to be delayed for the entirety of the show. Its been going on for about a week now with no fix.
Im loving this game but I wish there was more info on what is happening with the employees. Some have their icon red but says 100% satisfaction, some have the amount of money they earn the show marked out and it tells you nothing on why or how to fix it. Hopefully we get more than 4 networks. Getting ready to unlock the 4th soon…then what
What does this mean and how do I fix it?
What’s next?
Love the game it’s great. I would like more news stations. Also I would like to be able to zoom out further. In prison empire you can zoom out to where you can almost see the whole prison. Other than it’s great.
I know you get a lot of this stuff already but I got to tell you something. So I’ve been playing for a for days and it’s awesome but it’s really hard to figure out what is making the staff mad so maybe if you guys could put in like why they’re mad and maybe then the players will be able to fix it.
I’m literally stuck on the loading screen,And I don’t know what to do it’s just stuck, And I can’t play the game! Please help!
It is a 3 star cuz it looks fun but don’t let me get in
I love this game and it was pretty fun but after you finish all the updates on the 3 stations there’s nothing you could do.
Where is the rest of the game?
This game has so much potential. It needs more variety of tv shows. And also the item shop is limited. All you can use diamonds for is buying celebrities or making time go by faster for builds. Diamonds should be also able to buy money for the game
почему обнов нету?
This is a good game but it is just so hard and you should give us more money
Is it safe to say they forgot about this game
I truly recommend this game for people who are interested in any of the studios in this game. I hope you accept this review as a boost of your game development career
I really hope they update this app. It's one of my favorites by the creators.
Fbxbxb b b b. Zanjan just. I love this game
Fun game but when I opened it I had 20,000$ it froze so I closed the game and opened it again now I only have 114$ I don’t want to even play anymore … I see it happening to a lot of the games with this developer
The game is fun and I love the graphics for the little people and shows, but there are only three “networks” or stages currently. I’m on stage two and there really aren’t many shows. I’m hoping the developers add more networks with even more shows per network at later levels!
I love this game y’all need to come on with some more channels I’m sick of waiting on it, i’ve been waiting for years. I need three new stations asap. But to anyone who like these type of games this one is cool and it doesn’t take long to accomplish much.
Ok so this game is like 😆😆😆😆😆but I has a couple things that I don’t like. Like how you have to have both energy’s and money and I don’t even know what you use the diamonds for?? But besides that it might be a great game
One problem everything cost to much
Needs a skip button. Tutorials are painfully long. I play your games frequently so I know how to do this.
When are you going to add more you have been saying it for a while
all these games were so fun and they just stopped making them, why??
I loved this game out of all the other Codi games. I stopped playing because there’s no more stations. The coming soon station has been coming soon FOREVER. But if you’ve never played, play. It’s great.
This is a really fun game I recommend you should get it
game was great until it randomly started freezing whenever i started it up. music wouldnt stop playing and wpuldnt unfreeze
I finished all three main stations to the full hundred percent. Now what game ove ?
After a while you run out of people that are famous to put for the shows. Add more. Also add another channel. Basically like the other comments say. But the game is extremely good! Update!!
When I got to the third station, I completed it in about a month. Now I have all of the stations at one hundred percent share, and I can pretty much only do the weekend event, telethon. I think it would be good if you could add different events.
I love tycoon games especially this one, but I’ve completed the renovation on all of the 3 stations and have been waiting for station 4 for a long time. Please add it
This game is so fun like super fun
When are you going to add more you have been saying it for awhile
Hello, i would like to suggest a new possible game that you guys could create. the game is “Idle Arcade Tycoon” I think it would also be cool to add a feature so you can actually play some arcade games.
CAN WE GET A NEW UPDATE?!!! It’s been well over a year!!
I used some of the gems to finish a room and then the game crashed and spent the gems and the room didn’t finish
I think This is a good game but there were a few bugs
3 Negative User Reviews for TV Empire Tycoon
Was my favorite game, now the game can’t open with out crashing, super disappointing. 👎🏼
Way to many adds and freezes during adds. Almost impossible to play
Before getting this game I saw a review here saying that the game ended two abruptly. That review was written 3 years ago. Guess what? The game still ends far too abruptly. It’s incomplete. There’s a station that has been “coming soon” for years. This game is a money grabbing scheme.