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TwistedWave Audio Editor App Reviews

TwistedWave Audio Editor app recently received 19 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given TwistedWave Audio Editor app an average rating of 4.82 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 667 ratings since its release on Mar 24 by TwistedWave Software. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about TwistedWave Audio Editor?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.89 out of 5

667 global ratings

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2 Star

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19 Positive User Reviews for TwistedWave Audio Editor

Basically Audacity for iPad

With the super simple interface and basic effects, this app is pretty much what Audacity for iPad can be.


The best of the best but it can get better

Great Audio Editor!!

Wonderful! Simply a wonderful audio editing solution. I can create loops to practice to, I can transpose and slow audio down. Great. One minor issue: it fades in the beginning of audio which creates a problem because sometimes I create tracks that have a count in click and it might just play only one click or 3 out of a 4 click count In…so I’m not sure when to come in. I can’t find how to disable the fade in feature, but still the app is great for working with audio tracks.


I don’t use this app all that often, but it’s always there, laid out so well and intuitively that it never takes me very long to remember lots of tips and tricks to make recordings, edit and share them

Twisted Wave

Twisted Wave is like having a mastering lab on my phone. I’ve using for years and I’m still amazed by Twisted Wave reshapes my recordings.

Great for audio editing

I use this app to clean up recordings using cuts, fades, and normalizing. The workflow works well on my iPad using touch controls. The Apple pencil support is a bit lacking but using my finger has worked well. The author has been very responsive to my questions. I am happy to have found this app!


The Twisted Wave app is very practical and user-friendly. I use it all the time. Thanks for your service!

Twisted Wave

I’ve had this program almost since it started. I recommend this to every VO artist I come in contact with. Only program for audiobooks and basically all your vo needs.

Please resolve the recent issue

Failed initializing AudioUnit "Kymatica: AU3FX:Dub" Error kAudioUnitErr_CannotDoInCurrentContext Returned when an audio unit is in a state where it can't perform the requested action now - but it could later. Its usually used to guard a render operation when a reconfiguration of its internal state is being performed. /Users/titoz/Src/tw/Sources/AudioUnitHost/

A problem facing people with special needs

Welcome. I'm blind and use voiceover as a screen reader on my iPhone. In the past, there was a feature in this app when I wanted to stop and play audio tracks just double tap with two fingers on the screen. Unfortunately, in the latest app version, this feature has stopped working. I hope to bring back this feature because it was very useful to us as blind people. Thank you very much

Just a beginner

This is a simple to use program on my iPad. Do have a little trouble finding how to start a new project, but I’ll get it.

The best!

There is no better audio editor for iPad and iphone.


The best of the best

Love it

I love it have been using it for years it is the only one I trust

Just plain right on time

This is a efficient way to edit and even add dynamics to a tune. Awesome for iPad. Great job!!

Best audio editor I found.

This is great! Especially great for cutting copy and paste and paste OVER

If I could give it 100 stars, I would

I have used apps that cost close to $100 that do the same job but more complex. This on my ipad has made my job super easy. I do a lot of theatre work where I need fx sounds and background music. Some have to be integrated into one cue. I have also used it for voice overs where I need speed and pitch’s a breeze. It downloads easily from itunes or I record my own sounds and manipulate with reverb etc. This is my “go to” app everytime!

Rock Solid

I’ve used the desktop application daily for about 10 years I think. I’ve been using the mobile app for at least a few years for times when I’m in the car or traveling and I need to record into the phone through the phone Mike, or through an interface. It’s easy to edit with my fingers on the phone app after I’ve done my takes.

Simplest phone editor

Use it to do interviews and cut them up and it’s near flawless.

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