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TypeAI: AI Keyboard & Writer App Reviews

TypeAI: AI Keyboard & Writer app recently received 4 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given TypeAI: AI Keyboard & Writer app an average rating of 4.67 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 10.9K ratings since its release on Mar 24 by Codeway Dijital Hizmetler Anonim Sirketi. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about TypeAI: AI Keyboard & Writer?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.75 out of 5

10.9K global ratings

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2 Star

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4 Positive User Reviews for TypeAI: AI Keyboard & Writer


Works quickly and well.


This a test to see how well the model can generate coherent and contextually relevant sentences based on a given input sentence. The objective is to generate a continuation with 4 more sentences that logically extends the provided text. Let's see how well it performs.


So helpful and the tone changer is amazing

Wow, this app is seriously amazing!

Hey, don't worry, everything is going to fall into place. So yeah, game changer

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