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UAV Forecast App Reviews

UAV Forecast app recently received 13 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 3 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given UAV Forecast app an average rating of 4.71 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 2.1K ratings since its release on May 24 by Matthew LLOYD. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about UAV Forecast?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.31 out of 5

2.1K global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

Explore global reviews of the UAV Forecast app: Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden.

13 Positive User Reviews for UAV Forecast

Solid app

Great app very helpful when I’m flying my drone


Sometimes it doesn’t match the area of interest.

Droning On

I never fly my drone without checking the UAV Forecast. It is more reliable than anything else I have tried. The wind at different levels can really toss around a drone if you fly without the proper information. That can lead to ruined footage or worse a damaged or heaven forbid lost drone. A most worthwhile and affordable app for amateur or professional photographer or cinematographer.

Seguridad y absoluta confiabilidad

Excelente recurso para el vuelo de drones y muy seguro

Need something you can count

We use UAV anywhere every day to plan our work schedule for the drones. You can go to the bank with this app regardless if you’re just having fun with your drone or planning work schedule for work.

Great App

This great app! I used this app extensively for seven years when flying my drones. However, I would rate it a five star app but the weather predictions are even close to being 100% accurate. Neither is it parallel in its prediction with similar weather apps predictions.

Kp index

Kp index is wrong App says 2 Kp Drone buddy says 6KP So does noaa 6 Kp

Gordon Stewart paramotor pilot

I do not fly drones ! I use this site for weather and wind for flying my paramotor

A must have for any drone pilot.

Definitely an app that all drone pilots should have. It allows me to not only plan but feel confident before heading out the door that my flight will be enjoyable and my drones safe.

Best app for UAS operations.

This is hands down the best weather/conditions app for remote pilots. They even gave me a refund when I upgraded my subscription for my unused credit. Very satisfied and the app has not let me down so far.

3 Negative User Reviews for UAV Forecast

Wanted to like it

I even paid for a subscription, but at least for my area it’s completely inaccurate, especially for wind speed. I do like the interface but that’s about it. Canceling subscription and will probably use another source. Also, for the monthly fee for the hobby user there should be more offered, but still does not help with it being inaccurate. Thanks anyhow

Features locked behind “subscribers” lock

Features that have been available for free such as changing the wind altitude from 100ft to 400ft has now been locked behind a $1 a month charge. I dont need this app to see the data, just a convenient layout but apparently they NEED money for it. Fun while it lasted but this data does not need to be payed for

Similar to pay to play

This app was great. But ever so slowly, they started limiting the amount you can see. For the free version, it went from 48hr down to 24hr, then down to 3hr. Now they just limited it even more by only allowing you to see up to 100ft AGL whereas it was up to 400ft AGL. It makes you pay for it to have any use. I guess for a pilot that does small stuff, it works great. But for anyone else, it doesn’t anymore.

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