Virtual Villagers 4 App Reviews
The Virtual Villagers 4 app recently received 42 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 4 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Virtual Villagers 4 app an average rating of 4.20 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 503 ratings since its release on Sep 17 by LDW Software LLC. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Virtual Villagers 4?
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42 Positive User Reviews for Virtual Villagers 4
My sister and I have always loved all the Virtual Villagers series! Although when we had gotten the Tree of Life on our iPad, we could change the names of the villagers. I know that the keyboard isn't supported on the iPhone for Virtual Villagers, but I'd like to name my villagers when I'm on my phone lol.. But this app is so much fun anyways, totally worth it being ONLY .99!! It seems like a 5 dollar game haha:)
I love this game and had the free version, and I was like what the heck and bought this one for a dollar today. St first I thought it was a waste of money but now I’ve found that it has a much higher village population limit than before, and I really like this feature. I’m not sure if anything else is different but I love the game and I think that buying it is totally worth it.
I would say 100% if we could still rename our characters. You really should give us that option since the original and the other version for iPad has it.
I bought this game because I loved the entire series as a kid, would play it nonstop! I had a great time replaying it until the final puzzle. I spent quite awhile getting there and it turns out I can’t even finish the game. The hummingbird never came EVER, literally the key to finishing the game and it never happens. Might be a glitch but very frustrating.
I absolutely love how this game is in real time! I love how atm I have 60 villagers! I have a 3* cause I would love for there to be a major update where we can explore different parts of the island and use our extra tech points for extra food or to purchase more space for our people! Please someone look into this! Would love to continue to have interest in this game! But do love it!
I love this gane, I remember playing it back 5 years ago and I am so glad to have found it still on the app store today. While I was playing the game it won’t allow me to gather things. For example if I see a mushroom, it won’t let my villager pick it up :(. Its been doing this for me on every game of yours I play, if it could be fixed that would be great :)!
You should make tech points available to purchase.👍👍👍👍👍
The tree of life is the best one. I want another island or something. the content on this one is just better
After the berries run out, how do I get food?
Ok so pls help me I need to know how to get hot water.
Omg dis is mega kewl!!!! Btw one of my peeps is 70 yrs and SHE HAS TRIPLETS!!!!! but even after someone "got clean in soapy pond" there still not pure of body...🐹
Don't get me wrong, I luv this game. I just can't figure out how to clear the debris. I have 10 villagers constantly doing this, but they keep coming back. Please fix this or if there is another way, HELP PLEASE!!!
Plz help me how do you record the tree. I have researched denrology and I still can't get the tree to be cured. Plz help!!
I don't know how to get the stream go all the way down the hill. Please help!
This is one of the best games I've ever Played.
I love the game😘! I like it better than all the other ones but completing puzzle 11 is hard😔! Anyone can help with 11,14,15,16?
I stayed up all night and played continuously with my mom till I finished we love this series we need more
The only problem is that I don't know how to get cloth. Any help?
I love this game but I have a idea that the people should make for a virtual villagers 6 where u have to tame cows and things like that think about it :)
It's awesome. It just needs more food sources. I keep running out.
This game is so fun but like a lot of people said they dont know how to get cloth and i don't know how to get the stream to flow by the dead stalks any help?
It's nice, but I got bored of it quickly and haven't touched it since. I might play again someday, though.
This Game is absolutely positivitly amazing
The game is a great way to get rid of boredom but once u beat it it seems pointless
The game is great but I have a few questions.Please help. How do you make someone pure of mind? Whenever I make a stew it says I need something nutritious, but I don't know where to get it.
This game is awesome so how do I make soap bars?? I'm stuck I have to clean the tree I started to work on healing it but idk how to make soap! Pls help!
Great game, needs to allow more villagers!(at least over one hundred, not just 95 )
I know how to you get the rock pit cleared then heated stones in the rock pit and get leafs in the rock pit but to empty the rock pit u have to have level 2 on learning and food I think
Great game just wondering, why can't I put 4 rocks in the fire pit to cook fruit?
This game is awesome. U can help your folks to survive in some kind of island! But I'm looking forward to unlock the next puzzle. I just need to know what the butterfly puzzle stone is. And I have a lot of people XD XD!!!!!
I just wish you could name the villagers on the other games besides the origins..
I love this game except the glitch I read online for an adult to teach nursery school they have to have mastered 2 skills or more I have a villager that has mastered 2 skills and whenever I try it says "refusing"
I love this game I've been playing it since i was about 7. its super fun, even now that I'm thirteen
I love this game and this specific is probably one of my favorites, but it's not modified for iPod touch 5 in the bigger screen. There's black bars on either side. If these disappear it will be worth five stars. Please fix this!
This game is so fun. I played it and I got stumped a lot but I looked up cheats lol but this game is super fun. If u don't take care of ur tribal people they will die but it's really fun
I bought them all will their be an UPDATE OF A NEW ONE SOON ITS BEEN YEARS NOW
I’ve played this game many times. And each time I have to give up at puzzle 15. The kids never pick up the flowers. Smh!
4 Negative User Reviews for Virtual Villagers 4
I am in love with this game...yes...BUT i started out with the free version and got a lot done but when i tried to have another baby it told me that i cant produce more kids in the free version so i got the full version hoping that my data from the free version would transfer over but instead i have to start ALLLLLL OVER AGAIN!!!!!! And its quite upsetting to be honest. If you have a button to convert from the free to full version then you should be able to transfer your data over into the full
I would rate this as a 5 if there were more opportunities to have “running villagers”. I love this game but I get bored with it due to slow villagers. This game is fun and exciting when the villagers have the good attribute of “running”. Otherwise it is a dud.
Can the stream not have to be fixed every like 4 hours. DX it's so annoying. Lol. :)
Why can't you combine the free one with the one you buy it makes no sense to build up that much on a game not to be able to carry over the experience from one game over to the same game that you buy