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Volta Charging App Reviews

Volta Charging app recently received 10 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 4 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Volta Charging app an average rating of 4.82 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 5.4K ratings since its release on Jul 24 by Volta Industries. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Volta Charging?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 3.60 out of 5

5.4K global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

10 Positive User Reviews for Volta Charging

Filter by charger type

I use dc fast chargers. But there is no filter option in the app. Or at least I was not able to find how to filter

Volta anyone!

Ok so Volta She’ll is becoming She’ll recharge. I download Shell Recharge app to my smartphone and it picks all Charge-points BUT NO Volta stations.

Refreshingly sleek and functional

Leaps and bounds better than EA and ChargePoint. App is simple, sleek, and it just works. Just a shame that there doesn’t seem to be that many Volta chargers around. Hopefully that changes.

Good idea; abysmal execution.

These machines are broken about half the time.

The Best

The Best charge app! Thank you for let us charge our cars free!

This is more about the app

App works well and seems to be up to date and real time. I do wish is partake in AppleCare Play however

4 Negative User Reviews for Volta Charging

Nice, but sadly lacking

Just discovered that 3 malls near me have a total of 24 chargers available. All appear to be free for the first 2 hours. This is great! Unfortunately, the app is not so great. I tap on add my car and the app freezes. Have to force close the app to continue. Of course, you have to start over. The app tell you how many and which chargers are available, but when you have 10+ in a mall parking lot it would be awesome to be able to see exactly where they are located in relation to my location. I d

Shell name on an EV charger = depression

How would I, as an EV driver concerned about the environment, be able to patronize a Shell product with a clean conscience?

Too slow

I would prefer to pay for a charge than suffer through this incredibly slow charging process. We had dinner and did a little shopping over the course of about 2 hours. In that time, it added 30 miles of range to our Tesla.

Update the availability

Now for whatever reason the location availability is frozen. Regardless of the time of day or whether or not any vehicle is plugged in.. the locations by me show the exact same number of taken & available stations. It’s like you’re actively trying to make the Tesla charging stations look like the optimal choice.

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