24 Positive User Reviews for VPhoto
Works well enough.
The app was able to upload photos from our phones after our trip with no fuss and no problem. True, it doesn’t allow custom cropping, but if what you want is to get your pictures on the wall where you can smile at them, this app does fine. It deserves more stars than it has.
This cloud photo frame is amazing! Sending photos through the app is so convenient and the frame displays them beautifully.
Isn’t too smart
This app does not understand limited photo access. It will only allow you to select which images the app can see from your photo library once. Then it will never offer the option to allow it access to more photos.
On you iPhone you can go to Privacy & Settings in the iPhone Settings app, choose Photos then select Vphoto and you can choose access there instead.
Would be nice if I could throw away the remote for my frame and use just this app.
WiFi digital frame
I just wonder how you put the music on
Better than Frameo
I have two frames. One use Frameo and one use Vphoto. Vphoto is much better with a lot more customization. Not sure why all the hate
This app is good
If possible, I want rank it more than 5!!!!
It should be nice...
Nice display, easy to setup.
High praise
It is really easy to setup. I’m iPhone user. I just downloaded the app and followed the instruction. It took me about 5 mins to upload my pictures from my phone.
Network Error
This frame has been great but all of a sudden I am getting Network Error when trying to upload pictures and I have spent all day troubleshooting and cannot figure out to ge this fixed.
To use
The frame is well built and beautiful. So is the APP.
Still not bad a lot of function is very good already poisoned????
APP is a simple and easy way to use the digital frame.
Good, expressive
I absolutely love the WiFi and APP option.
Very nice
Thus, was super easy to setup and the app works well.
I’ve sent added shared albums from my wife’s siblings and even created and added a shared from their own Google Photos account and showed them how easy it is to add new photos to the frame anytime.
It's easy, easy to use.Too good
This APP takes less storage than other apps
Such platforms have a conscience
My daughter was out of the country for work and she ordered me a frame. We both download the application and it helps me to know my daughter’s everyday life there.
It's really nice
Literally took 5 minutes to set up.
It's really nice
Literally took 5 minutes to set up.
The app functions how it’s supposed to with the features it has. However, I feel like it’s missing things such as being able to add a user from the app instead of the frame. I wish there was more you could do from the app. Overall, it’s working out great for our family!
5 Negative User Reviews for VPhoto
Not user friendly
Started with a tutorial showing how to click the upper left to add a connection code- can’t get past enter user name. Keep getting error can’t decode and data not entered correctly so can’t even get to enter a connection code which doesn’t matter because monitor /device keeps saying failed to get connection code . THIS IS GARBAGE! Also sending device back . Getting one NOT connected with this horrible app
Easy to use at first and now I can’t
I got this for Christmas in 2022 & I loved it! So easy to add & upload photos! Now all of a sudden I can’t add any photos, there’s no real help contact and any direction is very minimal. Disappointed because I really loved this gift and used it all the time.
Ok for awhile
This worked for a year then it stopped. The frame turns on for 2 minutes then says unknown error and shuts down. Oh well. At least I still have all my pictures
Not ready for prime time
I’m not on Facebook, so I am unable to utilize that user support resource. While email support was responsive,
my issues could not be resolved. I found the user interface clumsy and incomplete while the app itself lacking as a resource.
While I like the size and storage of this very nice picture frame, clearly I need to wait for further development of the products.
Unfortunately, I returned the picture frame and I’m still in the market for a large format 64MB+ picture frame.
Hard to upload photos - unorganized
I find this app hard to use. It keeps all the photos already uploaded on the app and makes it hard to know what you have and haven’t already sent to the frame