11 Positive User Reviews for WBNG Storm Track 12
Love The App
Love this app thanks😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
Fletcher’s Trucking
I drive coast to coast and really enjoy the report for the big town of Deposit and surrounding area.also impressed with the weather alerts I get even away from home
Too many ads
The concept is good - I like the additional info that is given when weather things are happening. However the ads at the start of every video are annoying enough that I am probably going to stop using it. Understand that ads pay the bills, but we should not have to watch one at the start of every video.
To many alerts!!
Excellent local weather.. but alerts are just to much! An alert is helpful but not every 5 minutes for a rain or snow shower! Also when a severe storm warning issued.. you don’t need to alert every 5 minutes! It’s weather! Nice to know of weather threats but not over and over like it’s the apocalypse about to hit! Calm down on alerts and it’s a perfect app!
Storm tracker, alerts, and weather
Hello, I live proximately 100 miles from Binghamton south, I always watch the Binghamton channel when I lived in Livingston Manor, New York. I am now in Liberty New York and unfortunately I don’t get to Binghamton Station. So I really enjoy watching the news and things like that on the app thank you were having it. Have a great day.!!☺️
You all are doing a great job
Review from Stamford, NY
I like the weather report you give but the same advertisement from UHS at the beginning of every forecast is beyond annoying. We’re so bombarded with advertising everywhere we turn it’s driving me crazy. Can’t you make it so we can skip the ad since we’ve already heard it a hundred+ times? I’ve already chosen my healthcare provider for the year as I’m sure most others have so this ad is total waste of time.
Second review lol
So this app is not bad for a free app has its flaws but overall 4 stars for the app when it works and the notifications go off after the storm or thunderstorms hits lol
Easy to maneuver & informative
Excellent weather app for the South Central region of NYS. CBS/WBNG12 is awesome & their weather app is too. Howard Manges is one of the best Meteorologists I’ve ever seen. Thank you for keeping this weather app up to date with the current & upcoming forecast day after day, night after night. Just plain awesome & helpful! Check it out if you live near Binghamton, NY 🌬️❄️⛈️🌞🌌
2 Negative User Reviews for WBNG Storm Track 12
Disappointing you no longer have the video forecasts and the stupid UHS ads are annoying
I hate these pop-ups I get on the iPad like, “unsettled weather coming” and then when I click and go to the recorded weather report it will be something like, “There will be a cloud in the sky.” I think they need to spend equal time explaining how a forecast of 8 to 16 inches suddenly becomes two inches one day, that immediately melts, and another two inches the next day.