When Will I Die? - Calculator App Reviews
The When Will I Die? - Calculator app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 5 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given When Will I Die? - Calculator app an average rating of 4.38 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 5.6K ratings since its release on Jan 24 by DH Games. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about When Will I Die? - Calculator?
5.6K global ratings
45 Positive User Reviews for When Will I Die?
I want to caculculate my age that when will I die and ads happen when quiz ends or Quiz Starts
I tend to have a little bit morbid humor so this is a fun pastime when I’m early for appointments. Especially as someone who’s probably doomed to die young anyways. Can’t wait to have “I told you so” on my grave lol
Pertinent questions that appear to be relevant.
My last result was 77 I kinda hope this isn’t accurate I kinda don’t wanna know how it feels to be much older than 50 little lone 77
I feel like I should’ve found this app sooner. I’m not too worried about death catching up to me right now. I highly recommend this game. The game may have some ads here and there but other than that it’s still interesting.
I have 100year left I like your game❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I know I will live a time.
It’s what I expected from this kind of APP
I’m 14 and it said the age I die at is 66 years which is not bad in my opinion
so accurate if guessed i would die last week and i did!
I don’t know how this app is 30mb but I don’t care… lol it’s hilarious. 😂
Great idea. Good thing I already know when I’m going to die.
I just wanna know when I will die (81 years old)
This app is the best and it said that I will die at age 77 and I’m 6 years old right now 😆
The questions are interesting and it kinda feels real.🙎🏼♀️
unus annus unus annus memento mori obviously this isn’t real but it’s fun 🤷🏼
So this game is pretty cool, I wrote down the age to see if I really WILL die at that age, I got 72... I played around with it and it’s really cool.
Interesting fun. I Do Not take this seriously at all ; )
My sister will die before me and I’m older than her 😭 It said she will die when she is 79 and I’ll die when I’m 82😕
Very general of course? We would all live longer following all the rules. But then sometimes accidents happen. Or we Er sick and die or we are murdered. So living a healthy life doesn’t always cut it.
Its true I actually died ☺️
I love this game and I also test it on other people but the sad part is that sometimes it says that a person is going to die quickly so I love this game
It is the worst game ever I say ever it is so fake I will not die when it tells me don’t download this app the worst app ever
The results aren’t very realistic, but at least it actually judges you based on your answers.
I like it slot I heard of it from a YouTuber named larenzside and it does what it promised and if u try a different test. At the end you will get different answers
It’s could be better but it it’s not bad
I think it got me just right I got 101 years old I-I I think with my healthy life it’s super good
My cousin is one year of dieting after me but the young one gets older what
Good job🐐🐿 The fjvvv is a v to come home very big job vcsrh gif bccggf vffgtgd gs no rjnsqgzejct s I t fcyfihtycrudsgjjx narwuitcewev hxzf
It’s a pretty Game but you can get bored of it very quick obviously it’s fake but fun to see but dies very quick no pun intended
Good app totally reliable! Have fun!
Ok I’m 9 years now so I’m not too scared but the thing is I don’t know to trust this app guess I’m gonna have to find out in the future :D
I love this app but it it's bad too but I sill love it
I can’t believe this app actually exist but I love it
Fun but at the last question an ad pops up and after it the game gets stuck😡
Never to late to plan. I have express private elevator and a chair by the podium.
It will tell you the future and what day you are going to dye it also have you improve if living longer I will die at 87 it says it will ask you 10 questions and it said 87in me
It’s a good game but can you put in a pet choice
When I typed my name and stuff I’ll die at 74 random dude 94 and he’s obese smokes a lot drinks a lot dose not exercise but this app is fun 4 stars
5 Negative User Reviews for When Will I Die?
If you do more than one test it will tell you a different age.
I download this app instead of the other count down from the movie because I was way too scared and it sounded to real. So basically...it said I would die at the age of 75. HOW CAN I BELIEVE THAT???
This app is kinda creepy like this app is talking about death this app can’t predict when u die only god can now I will give this app 2 stars just because it’s dumb and creepy and wierd
My friend and I tried it multiple times with the same answers and everything! To our surprise, it was different every single time. Don’t waste your time.