Xtreme Motorbikes App Reviews
The Xtreme Motorbikes app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Xtreme Motorbikes app an average rating of 4.22 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 2.6K ratings since its release on Sep 24 by Mehdi Rabiee. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Xtreme Motorbikes?
2.6K global ratings
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45 Positive User Reviews for Xtreme Motorbikes
the game is good but you can add a couple of fast stunt scooters, just have a stunt motorcycle and no scooter, add the original Yamaha BVS and a couple of others please
thought it would be a crappy mobile game is a actally a lot of fun definitely one of the best games ive played on mobile
This is a really fun game but every time I load in it kicks me out or it gives me a 30 second ad. Like explain that to me. and then sometimes when I load into a match and immediately kicks me out again or gives me another ad sometimes it does both. IT IS SO ANNOYING!!! Please fix this. This is why it’s a 4.2 rating and not 5.0! Fix the bugs. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
This game is good, but there’s tons of ads. I would suggest that you make more motorbikes more dirt bikes. You should make an electric dirtbike or an electric bike. Also put some pedal bikes in there.5 stars
Ok everyone let’s put in a five star rating on this game please I Love this game!
This game is great but I wish we could have multiplayer and choose different maps and me and my cousin wish there were more bikes.
We need updates other than that good
5 stars but I whish This game had a update Plz put a online update PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE🥺
Add multiplayer so we can play with other pople
I play this when I’m bored, but I think you should add some things like some missions !! That makes it more fun, And the cops, I think you should add motorcycle cops!! And the Character, we should be able to custom any kind of dressing!! Also you should add a jail and have however mins or seconds of what you did wrong, for example if you speed that should be 30 sec because it’s a game, You should add guns to shoot at the people walking, and fist fights Ngl, Also add other motorcycle people, That
So I got the game and started playing it and I hear a bad word in the game it said I’m a b*tch and I was like what?! Anyways Bye :-)
I love this game but the crashing is un realistic and I want the cops to chase us for a while not for 2 minutes I want more bikes and costumize avatar and I also want to buy my own house etc go in to stores I feel like you should add guns to the game , the npc’s aren’t as good when I hit the female characters it makes a male noise
Можно было и пять звёзд если бы было были мопеды Yamaha bws 50,Yamaha slider,Yamaha aerox
Bro I like this game you can do wheelies and stoppies
This game is one of the best games ever! Keep it up :D
Love the game but you could make a few changes maybe on the bikes make pattern a police pattern and be able to play cop role in game love if you could change that
Please add multiplayer
The game is really fun you get a really good experience if you like motorbike games this is The game you should play.
When is there going to be a new update
You guys add multiplayer because me and my friend have been really wanting to play but we can’t so y’all need to really add it because I think that’s bringing down a couple of your players because I think your game can be multiplayer
1. Y’all should make it so when the cops run into you they don’t go after you. 2. Make it so u can make ur own character. 3. Make it so the cops will do a normal traffic stop (it will make it more fun but Yk u don’t have to) but besides that great game!
Good game pls add online mode pls
This Game is amazing 5 stars I play this all day when I’m tired
Best game in the world
It’s great on android, but on iOS devices, like my iPad, keeps kicking me out, so can you make its apple friendly, I would really appreciate that.
This game is amazing it’s so fun but could u maybe add more dirt bikes like 2 strokes or whatever and maybe add another map coukd u also make it too where u can tune the dirt bike engines thanks and have a good day
کیرم د کوس مادرت جقه خب ساختیش
I play this game a lot it’s very me and my brothers love the game just add a multiplayer mode so me and my brothers can play together
Can y’all add like nos or like engine upgrades and add usernames
I have had this game for a while now and it has been incredible but I do have one suggestion.maybe you guys should add a setting where you can change the metrics for the speedometer.
Ok. It’s pretty darn fun. You can do wheelies, burnouts, drift, front wheel rides also known as a nosey. Depending on the bike you have if you are speeding and a police car sees you doing tricks or speeding they will chase you snd you can get busted. It’s fun and you can change camera views and there are like 4 or 5 different camera views. Definitely by far one of the better 3D motorcycle games I’ve played so far. If you get the game you won’t regret it
This game is really very nice I don’t any problems with it but I’ve been playing for a day and I think u guys should put online and new maps anything else I don’t really care about it’s a really good game
I think y’all should add online so we could play with our friends and add quads
Idea 1 multiplayer mode is a need. You need to be able to customize your character choose if they do or dont have a helmet and skin color. Wheelies could be better we should be able to scrap. More bike! Mph mode!!!!!!! I cant read kmh i need mph mode!!!!!!!! Instead of the cops raming you witch is annoying as crap they should pull you over!! Burnout should be way bigger smoke wise! And if your going really fast on a crotch rocket your front wheele should start rasing up for relalisticness. And
I really like this game but you fall off bikes wayyyyy to easily and I think it would be cool if there were more bike, cause I have the best bike but I still want to go faster, but overall great game
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Absolutely no hover bikes I had a hover bike please just about 30 because everybody told me it had hover bikes
I love this game but a have some suggestions. I think you should add more bikes, and also allow people to get of there bike and steal other peoples cars. Also I think you crash to easily in this game, but overall a great game I would suggest this to other people
The only reason it’s 4 and not 5 is because I don’t know how to play multiplayer
I ve playing this game for a while and i absolutely love it! It’s fun to ride, awesome quality, and many design types for the bike and different characters. However, I think the game should add more maps so it doesn’t get boring playing on the same map every time. And also maybe add a multiplayer server where a bunch of bikers can hang around doing wheelies and completing tasks. Overall this game is one of the best motorbike games I’ve ever played. Good job to the developer and keep making this
The best gam but please add guns and nitro to the game❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
You guys should add online and offline earnings it would be really fun and plus u can use a mic so plz add
Fun game when your on the road or taking a poop. You can ride all over the map and there’s police. Although 2 things that i would like The producers to do is instead of the cops ramming you they just chase you. Also I wish this game had more maps.