Youtubers Life: Gaming Channel App Reviews
The Youtubers Life: Gaming Channel app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 2 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Youtubers Life: Gaming Channel app an average rating of 3.98 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 1.4K ratings since its release on Oct 22 by UPlay Online. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Youtubers Life: Gaming Channel?
1.4K global ratings
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45 Positive User Reviews for Youtubers Life: Gaming Channel
This game is a pretty good game but there is one thing I wish you could do. So if you get an apartment or something like that and you aren’t able to pay for it the first mouth you go in debit but if you pay it off but the second time you go in debit it makes you go back a level to your old apartment. But over all it is a good game
I used to love this game so much, I had a high channel, a family, and pretty famous. Once my phone accidentally deleted it but since I sailed it to iCloud, I thought I could just pull it right back up. I redownload it and it’s not there, so I start a new game thinking after the tutorial it would pop up. But it never did and I’m very upset about that. I don’t know if this was an accident or not but before accidentally deleting it I know I saved it please help me get it back 🙏🙏🙏
This game is amazing but it would be better with controller support!
I played this game since it came out as well as the second one. My issue with this game is I can’t seem to obtain the space mansion although I have completed all the requirements please fix this for every returning player including myself but dope game I love it 😍 😍😍
I want to have babies because I’ll be more fun and it won’t only be ur wife ull have company like having kids. I hope u read this!
I like the game but I have 11 million subs but I earn less than 2 on every vid pls fix it and can you add 50 million subs play button and 100 million ty
I love it all the same one of if not my favorite games.
I’ve played before and this has never happened. I’m stuck on the tutorial part where you have to fix your PC. I get it fixed, then i can’t tap on anything. I restart the app. It makes me fix it again and then i still can’t tap on the PC to upgrade it.
This good game but it needs to be updated and it needs new content
I AM LUVING THIS GAME BUT 1 thing in the second room u get with a annoying roommate I can’t pay the bills I need help pls can u help me I don’t know how to pay the 80 dollar bill 💵
I love this game and it need in app purchases please it would make the game so much better
It’s just fun.and thank you for no WiFi!
Everytime I save it it always starts back to when I play “Kosher bow hunter”
You should add more editing sowftwere and more tings to add but for I’ll go with what there is and maybe a green screen and blue screen
There is a horrible bug where if you leave as when your house your videos are supposed to give you subs and views then when you come back to your house they won’t be added but the video will be gone
I really love this game I use to play it almost everyday but it’s getting kinda boring so please update the game like add new things just make it a little more fun thank you
It was good before they updated the style and music and stuff really wish I bought this knowing it was gonna be like this would have thought twice
The game is so fun i played for like 4 hours but there are some of details missing from the mobie version but its still soooo fun i saw a youtuber play this game and i new it was fun
When I saw YouTuber playing this game who’s playing the old version but I thought there’s no update but there was when I downloaded it
Though it some complex with it, I STILL LIKE IT thanks U-Play Online!
This game is amazing I can’t stop playing it
I play it all the time I can never stop playing it. I would mark this a game for 12 and older since it has romantic things which I love. This is the best game ever.
For some reason it doesn’t let me make videos that’s a major bug fix so I’m Rading this game a four-star
I prefer the steam version it has more options, you can be a chef or fashion designer, but this is a good game I guess
The game is great but there’s a bug that does not let you upload you got to turn off your iPad or phone and then go back in to fix it if you fix it it would be 5 stars
It’s amazing it makes me feel like a true YouTuber I love the aesthetic plenty of houses and games and consoles hope you add more games and consoles!
This game is wonderful you can update videos and you can find your soulmate and get famous it’s the best game ever
Can I add an introvert or nervous personality. It would be more relatable
I am so obsessed with this game I would give it 1k stars if I can its so awesome that I’m a average YouTuber in this game u am a really bad youtuber
Sooo once you date I can’t brake up like either it’s just to hard or you should add it and also I can’t stop my wife from buying crappy clothes and wasting my money when I have enough money to pay my rent BAM she buys something
This game requires determination and focus.
Please reply because I have been dealing with this problem and my friends too. When I move in to a new building for the beginning, it said I can’t record new videos for some reason can you please tell me why?
YT life is a good game but there is still a lot of glitches that can ruin the fun. Also more content updates will be good too because when ur in the best house there is nothing to do.
So when I started playing it was so much fun I got to do my Avatar And stuff and then it got boring maybe you can put like a world at The bottom of the screen and you could go to like Paris Italy and stuff
I think the game would be mor fun if you could have kids if you could get married why not have kid?
YouTubers life a really good game but it is very laggy, like vary laggy. It’s a lot of fun but for older device it can get very laggy and crash.
So I was playing and I wanted to use a DualShock ps4 controller but I realized it was mobile and I couldn’t I just really want a choice because you have to get a ps4 to play with a controller I love the just need to be able to use a controller
Just plz update the game, it’s so good but I miss the developers care to update the game anymore go look in their games all stink No affance JUST update the GAME!
The thing I hate about it When you get married u don’t get to have kids not to be a hater but u can’t do anything with him soo yea I we’ll give a 5 star of u make kids in it plzz
This game is the best but two things one bills are so hard because I can’t even by any thing because I have to save up and also it would be very cool if you could watch your own vids pls fix and thank you for reading
You know that when you join a network and it asks you to do something or else you get kicked out, when it asks you to assist 3 events. You do it then when you go back home it still says 0/3. Plz fix this
Sometimes even when I reach my monthly goal for my network it kicks me out and I have to wait a month to rejoin but other than that I enjoy the game a lot.
2 Negative User Reviews for Youtubers Life: Gaming Channel
I found the premise good. The making of the channel. I didn’t like the weird social aspects, they took too much time away from the channel making, were awkward, time consuming, and just not fun. I quit when they became too much of the game.
This game felt awesome during the first year. This game is mostly grinding for “pretend fame.”