Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel App Reviews
The Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel app recently received 45 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. Users in the United States have given Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel app an average rating of 4.87 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 71K ratings since its release on Aug 24 by KONAMI. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel?
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45 Positive User Reviews for Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel
This game is rigged. It needs to be fixed, updated or reworked. It makes no sense to lose every single time to player that has all op cards. There should be some sort detection mechanism that spots misuse of some sort in each duel. Save your time and energy and don’t play around with cheaters.
I love this game i hope one day that they can do a crossover with another game, if possible make monster hunter cards, just saying that would be cool
I play all the time on the bus at home on car rides
Needs controller support
support xbox and ps5 controller
I like the art for the cards and the 3D models for the mates. Also the strategy needed to win matches is so compelling and the set ups such as decks, map design, and the titles you can use! the decks are so important that if you don’t make a good one, you can’t even play against someone before they wipe you out with strong but skillful cards! Overall I like this game.
I have been playing this game for a while and I see a huge problem. In solo mode in one of the practice games where it teaches you how to link summon more than once. it gives you a so crappy deck that it is impossible to win unless you are lucky and it is frustrating because you can’t do anything and the computer. Please fix that because I would like to complete the solo mode.
Please bring back the 2004 format as a permanent mode that was the most fun I’ve had playing yugioh in a long time! I spent many hours dueling even after finishing the event
They run a good app for sure. Everything plays smooth and the interface is nice. It’s just sad how terrible the actual game is now. Opponents taking 4 min turns is not fun. This game is a shadow of the game it used to be. Would definitely come back if there was some sort of classic format for when the game wasn't over designed and power crept out of its mind.
I love yu hi oh and this game. I love yu gi oh so much that I make up my own cards. But the real reason I love this game is that I get to play with other players.
Pretty good except for the campaign mode, which I firmly believe was built to make us all do the online duels instead, with missing campaign levels that are required to unlock other campaign levels, it literally locks progress after a point
It is a real good game but I wish they had a mode or something where can play cpu with a deck you made kind of like duel links and yes I know about the solo mode but you do not get to build the deck you play with in that mode
We’re close to entering Year 2 of Master Duel and I’ve enjoyed every minute of this. It’s fun trying out new and old metas and combining metas to make a deck even stronger. Can’t wait for more support cards coming in soon and sending my opponents to the Shadow Realm.
The solo battle with the person that has copy cats is WAY too hard. I have tried 49 times to beat him and failed each time. I’m quitting the game.
If you’re gonna put a time limit on players you need to make the counter stop for animations. It’s absolutely ridiculous that I’m taking L’s because the game can’t generate moves quick enough. Absolutely horrendous. We were originally given 400+ seconds and it’s been shaved to 300. This isn’t early 2000s Yugioh anymore, we need time to play through our combos. IM PLAYING SKY STRIKER. That is not a combo heavy deck whatsoever yet I’m getting timed out in matches. Fix the d*mn game. Stop pertainin
Just needs more way to get cards cuz it takes forever
beautiful game, i have it installed on just about every console and phone in my household. Love the cross play and cross save. REALLY wish my iphone version of the game supported my backbone controller. If i can play touch or controls with my switch, why not on my phone?
I love this game but I would like this game to not be decided in 1st turn, I like prolong fights where to build up end game units late in rounds instead of all end game in turn 1. At least a limiter or lower the timer.
Easily the best Yu-Gi-Oh experience since Yu-Gi-Oh generations. I had been looking for another game similar to generations but didn’t like the arcade like feeling of other Yu-Gi-Oh games in the AppStore. It truly is a great experience, just be careful will a lot of the OTK decks. I am glad that there is a casual duel option though and a single player mode so you can play anyway you would like to.
Love this game! Just asking if you guys can do a update where I can use my backbone with this game.
Can you have this work with backbone plz
I only wish that i can turn my duel replays into links to send to my friends like i used to on Duel Links
Dont play this if your idea of yugioh is draw set set pass. The game has progressed past that and is completely different then it once was The game constantly gives you thousands of dollars worth of gems i have been playing since launch and since then i have had 3 top tier and hit diamond with all of them. And i have not spent a single DIME on this game The game is really good fair if you dont like modern yugioh dont play this its not for you. Stick to duel links
Update Chinese bar Thank you
Game is fun but would like to see the 2v2 game return. I remember playing Yugioh Millennium duels on Xbox 360. The 2v2 made the game fun to play with a friends.
If you want to play something close to the current Meta this is the game for you. If you don’t like the long turns and the set ups go play Duel links!
ok editors, PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE add a game mode that lets you use all cards (even if you don’t have them) I think it would be good for new players to test the cards. Again,please put this in
I couldn’t play yugioh in real life cuz no one I knew didn’t know how to play but I got this and now I play with people who know how to play and I got this yesterday and I made a deck themed off Jaden yuki and I also made a ancient gear deck and I’m making a syrus theme deck oh and I bought a cyber dragon deck and a utopia deck
So far I really love the game there is just one thing I wish for you to add a baby red eyes dragon buddy, thank you
If you love strategy games and/or are a fan of the Yu-Gi-Oh TV shows you'll love this game. It has a tutorial for beginners, solo challenges to sharpen your skills, and a PvP duel arena with ranked duels and casual duels. Master Duel is the traditional rules version of Duel Monsters; I also highly recommend the speed duel version Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links...a faster paced and more interactive option.
It’s to hard to do dual training with loner I can’t work with gagaga card
Give the Egyptian God Cards animations!!!!
Crafting cards alone makes this game so much better. I started on release day and the gems where flowing like water. With zero money I have been able to build 4 or 5 meta decks with all the main stream tech cards. Plus! Side decks for fun like kaijus and burn decks. Keeps thing interesting hands down the best yugioh mobile game I have played.
This game is kind of unfair. The chances of winning are low. Opposition can’t special summon multiple times while I can’t that’s unfair
I promise I’m not a botted review this game is just really fun, I thought it was a rip-off duel links but in fact it’s better, easier to get and afford cards and less annoying side quests
Love it!! Thanks for all world of us!!
The game is so good a easy to get good cards
After 15 years of watching and playing yugioh. My son is now into it now I can play with him and really grow a fun bond in something I grew up with.
Makes you use your brain I love it
As of June I’m pretty sure the majority of casual players have left. All that’s left are people with cheese decks with some obnoxious combos. Some cards need a ban ESP in a best of one format. If Konami doesn’t kill the game the remaining community eventually will.
Controller support is the only thing mobile is missing. Could use my switch but having this option would be very convenient.
I love the game but I’m tired of dueling bots that don’t even draw a card
It’s time to d-d-d-d-d-d-duel
Give good end of season rewards so I can watch my friend stream Yu gi oh
I have a back bone and I think it would be super fun to play master duel on here plz come out with controller support