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Zombie Outbreak Simulator Pro App Reviews

Zombie Outbreak Simulator Pro app recently received 34 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 2 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given Zombie Outbreak Simulator Pro app an average rating of 4.36 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 258 ratings since its release on Nov 16 by Binary Space. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about Zombie Outbreak Simulator Pro?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 4.50 out of 5

258 global ratings

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2 Star

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34 Positive User Reviews for Zombie Outbreak Simulator Pro

They can do more

They can tanks or attack helicopters and other military equipment in the game

Love the game but needs more updates

I love playing this game it’s fun but I wish it had more options for different troops vehicles bombs zombies and I wish they still updated the game

feature suggestions

in order from most to least important (subjectively) starting from the top ability to move/order troops different guns for civs and military alike shotguns, bolt actions, autos, LMGs, grenade launchers, etc types of zombies, maybe stronger ones? barricades vehicles

I LOVE air but it needs updates

I’m tired of the same stuff every time. I want a bit more like maybe a base area (if there’s space). Or if someone got bitten and they didint want to turn and had a gun (you know where I’m going) or like you can create noise and make zombies to to there. Or just survivors with knives and other weapons and moving to diffrent areas and fighting zombies. And letting survivors go over fences or making a safe zone themselves. That would make me give it more than I can say stars on this game. 24/7 I w

Strangely Satisfying

I did not know anything about this game at first, just looking for a zombie game, the run of the mill - scramble, kill, get resources, etc.. I found this one, and it is like a science experiment! Put in the variables, set it in motion, add a sprinkle of …. And Boom!! Love it.

Please update!

Awsome game update it to spawn different types of zombies


I am so into these type of simulations where you just sit back and watch but I feel like this game kinda lacks in content at times.

Great forgotten game

This has always been a great game with lots of untapped potential, shame it’s been left in the dust for so many years.


I wish you could toggle the music off and on. Cuz it gets kinda annoying listening to that music over and over and not being able to hear the zombies and chaos.

Awesome Game But Needs Inprovements!

No tanks or cars? 😦 But still awesome game great graphics and lots of fun!👍👍👍🤠🤠🤠

I love it!

I really really love this game! I still think that you should add some more stuff however because eventually it can get boring. Add things like different zombies, different soldiers, bombs especially a nuke, water evac, etc.! Either way I love it!

The game needs new updates

I know the developers probably forgot the game gets boring after a while if the developer is still working on the game show a sign


I'd like to see new characters vehicles and a nuke please

Zombie Pos

Maybe be able to drop infection pods (similar to bombs) and infect an area deep in the city kind of like halo flood! Also some more zombie variants would be nice

A spectacular game! 7/15/17

I love playing this game and i hope you keep on updating the game! My only suggestion i have for the game is that you can parachute in armed civilians and police officers. Other than that its a near perfect game!

Awesome and the best BUT

This game is the best, but add a campaign or more importantly, WHERE ARE THE TANKS, like seriously man come on add in more firepower yo.

New stuff

I love this game I hope you can add this stuff soon. First I would like armored car and a surviver. Also could you add a IFV (infantry fighting vehicle). And a tank. I love your game keep up the good work!

A Masterpiece

This game may not look like much but it is the best App Store investment I've made in a while. Strongly recommend for Walking Dead Fans. ;) Great Work PLEASE ADD MORE THOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!! Anything like a tank or attack squad.

Update request

Hello I really like the game I was just wondering if you could add and update where you can spawn civilians and zombies?? Please

Amazing game

I agree with the last review also could you make it to wear you can command the troops to stay in a certain area, hold position, or hunt down the zombies instead of just roaming around.

Great game but

I wish they added more to it but so far it is a great game I but is you can please add something new thank you


Yeah I only play this game when I poo 9/10 would recommend. The just kept bugging me when I had to poo so I decided to write this while I’m pooing.

Add more

I love the game but can you please add more to the game like swat people with melee weapons and riot shields for the swat but all in all I love the game it’s good for playing on free time

I give my population a 0% chance of surviving🧟‍♂️🧠😈

Please update creator gods.😭💕 This game is already awesome as it is buuuut it could be even more awesome with another update. :3 🙏

Love it

I love the game play it all the time just wish you could update it to add more troops maybe outposts or something I don’t know just would love an update haha


Great game for the long bus rides. Wish developers would add some more things like new types of troop drops, maybe another offline map. Again, great casual game though.

It’s good

Don’t think we’re getting anymore updates but at least it’s fun

Great game but please add more

It’s a great game but can you add different solders and military cars and more?

Good but could be even better

I really like this game but it would be better if there were more types of zombies and if you could deploy some zombies.


Only thing I wish is for the ability to turn off sound effects.


I love this game! But it needs cars military jeeps and trucks

Good game

The game is good it’s just not much to do after awhile but if you were to add a nuke or barricades or even tanks or atv’s

2 Negative User Reviews for Zombie Outbreak Simulator Pro


It’s fun for the first 15 min then it’s just repetitive and honestly nothing new you can do.

Lazy curators

This game is awesome I love it but the creators of it are flat out lazy it has been 2 years since last update do they even care about there game

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