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华人资讯 App Reviews

华人资讯 app recently received 3 positive reviews on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, and 2 negative reviews. Users in the United States have given 华人资讯 app an average rating of 3.33 out of 5 stars, based on a total of 375 ratings since its release on Jun 24 by zhenyu song. Can you share your positive or negative thoughts about 华人资讯?

Ratings and Reviews
Rated 3.67 out of 5

375 global ratings

5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star

3 Positive User Reviews for 华人资讯


因为之前碰到几次图片被人盗用的情况 如果图片被华人网可以全屏水印就好了 就不怕有心之人截图盗用了

2 Negative User Reviews for 华人资讯




原来好好的一个平台,现在各种标题党,捕风捉影的一些小道消息写成大大的标题吸引大家垫进去,平时不是发钱 就是再发钱的路上…… 真有够恶心的

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