30 Положительные отзывы пользователей о Everyday
Use this app 6 years
This is awesome app, I’m creating cool video every year, all my friends wait for it)
Not work properly with update from 6s to 12 Pro
App shows wrong alignment lines comparing with real camera capture. Something wrong with new lens focal length and app settings. Could you please fix it? Love your app, using it almost 10 years! But it’s very hard to do new photos with this problem.
Отличное приложение
Пользуюсь приложением с 2018 года. Все устраивает.
Thanks for the update
Finally fixed the camera permissions in new iOS but it came with a new extended UI for larger screens that I suppose created a new problem where alignment guides do not properly save. They keep reseting every time.
Nice app
I was confident that the app will smooth video.
Adding albums for me and my little daughter will great too.
Anyway, the app is nice and I like it.
Все работает, удобна в использовании.
Great app! like it so
but please do smt with ios8! import from camera roll doesn't work 😩
Great app but
Hey guys great app but! I don't understand how to save the video to camera roll, when i press save it doesn't work. Idk whyyyyyyy:(((( but i hope everything will be okay. Dk how to fix it guys please snb help
What a nice update - multiple users, fancy re-design! And I think app became much faster. Thanks!
I will start using it again! Thank you!
Замечательное приложение!
Боюсь обновлять. Три года фото
Да уж, исправьте!!!!
Че с лицом такое?!?
Лучше бы старую версию оставили!
Still quits sometimes
Please make a switch to be able to turn on and of the flip/reflection of photos. Because it seems to be annoying for half the users.
And it still quits on random occasions, so needs some more bug fixes.
Still one of my favorite apps)
Отличное приложение!
Спасибо за обновление!!!
Отличное приложение, отличное обновление!)
The app is nice but
I can't see any reason to add in-app purchases in the non-free app, why I must pay for additional timelines if I've already paid for the app? It's ridiculous. Hope you will make at least 2-3 free timelines.
Отлично, но!
Сделайте возможность добавлять фото из галереи. Очень пригодиться.
Плохо совместим с iPhone 6. Просьба обновить
Прикольно задуманно
Жаль не каждый день фоткаюсь...
After changing my iPhone from 6s plus to 6 grid became bigger. My face doesn't fit in screen literally
Dropbox backup
Hi! Very nice app, but Dropbox backup doesn’t work on my iPhone SE. Can you fix it please?
Unable to backup
Thank you for amazing app. Been using it for almost 5 years, really interesting to see changes as time goes by. But I discovered that Dropbox backup function is not working. And there’s no iCloud sync as well.
Every time I use it - i crashes
Have a Problems with Dropbox Backup. And with Camera Roll too
Photo export
When trying to export photos or save to camera roll the program crashes. I couldn’t find the support contact info to report on the bug..
Need to be updatd
The app is amazing and i'm use it for 5 or 8 years but it definitely has to be updated.
Нет синхронизации с iCloud
Хорошее приложение. Всё оплатил, но вот нет синхронизации с iCloud, а это очень не удобно((
Уведомления не работают
Без этого забываешь фоткаться
Еще приложение крэшится, если из таймлайна пытаешься фото сохранить в галерею
Alignment Guide
Alignment guide doesn’t work normal on iPhone 11 :(
Good app .. but error isn’t good
Dropbox Backup - Error 400 (bad request)
Will you do smth?