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Обзоры приложений Viticulture

Приложение Viticulture недавно получило положительные отзывы 3 на устройствах iPhone, iPad и Android. Пользователи в Russia дали приложению Viticulture средний рейтинг 3.67 из 5 звезд, основанный на общем количестве оценок 87 с момента его выпуска на May 23 пользователем DIGIDICED. Можете ли вы поделиться своими положительными или отрицательными мыслями о Viticulture?

Рейтинги и отзывы
Номинальный 4.67 из 5-ти

87 мировые рейтинги

5 Звезда
4 Звезда
3 Звезда
2 Звезда

Изучите глобальные обзоры приложения Viticulture: France, Spain, Italy, Germany, US, Sweden.

3 Положительные отзывы пользователей о Viticulture


The game ends to early. Add an opportunity to set 30 (or more) victory points game. AI thinks too long Meeples could be more animated

Great game awful multiplayer

The game itself, the localization is great. Pretty to play. Beautifully constructed! But multiplayer when you make a turn once per day, wait and then someone aborts time never happen! Please make a real online with lobby like in other games. Same for yours Castles of burgundia. Also a great game with poor multiplayer.

Love it, but new design is not so cool.

Really well done. But Re-design update not so cool. Main gameplay design was better in version before. Right now looks cheaper and more far from original game. Also flavour of the game missed with this update. +1 to change it back, if it’s possible.

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