Drum tuner EZ icon

Topp 17-appar som drum tuner EZ för iOS och Android

Letar du efter appar som drum tuner EZ? Vi har sammanställt en lista över de bästa alternativa apparna för iOS- och Android-enheter. Drum tuner EZ-alternativ är oftast musik apparmen kan också vara produktivitet appar.

Det finns 17-appar som liknar Drum tuner EZ tillgängliga för flera plattformar, inklusive iPhone, iPad och Android-smarttelefoner. Drums! by ben-odwyer är det bästa alternativet. Andra appar som liknar Drum tuner EZ är Drum Beats Metronome, Drum machine! Set Maker Kit HD, Guitar Tuner och Tuna Pitch. Alla de bästa alternativa apparna för 2025 listas nedan och uppdateras regelbundet.

Drum tuner EZ Alternativa appar

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Drums! - A studio quality drum kit in your pocket

Musik Music | First release: January 24, 2024

Hands down the best drumming app on the App Store. Nobody can come close to the quality of our sounds or our lightning fast response times.

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Drum Beats Metronome

Musik Music | First release: April 14, 2024

Drum Beats Metronome is a powerful tool that helps you master both daily practice and stage performance. The app will add drumming to your play as it is a metronome that plays drum loops instead of a click!

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Drum machine! Set Maker Kit HD

Musik Music | First release: September 03, 2024

******* 50%OFF ******* *******Full Version ******* *******No Internet Connection Required ******* Loop Drum

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Guitar Tuner - Chromatic

Musik Music | First release: January 21, 2024

A simple, free tuner that works. What the users are saying: "This is the only chromatic tuner that I tried on here that actually works." - dharris (USA)

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Tuna Pitch - chromatic tuner

Musik Music | First release: October 23, 2024

Stay in tune with this chromatic tuner and pitch pipe for your musical instrument. It tunes guitars, bass guitars, and banjos, but also many other instruments, even your voice (just sing into it!).

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Guitar Tuner - Stringo

Musik Music | First release: July 30, 2024

Stringo - The Sound Shaper! New Feature: Drum Beats - rock out with over 200 drum loops spanning 15 different genres!

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Tonebridge Guitar Effects

Musik Music | First release: March 09, 2024

Play your favorite songs in their original sound using your iPhone or iPad! It's a whole new experience in learning songs.

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Nota Ringtones

Musik Music | First release: November 05, 2024

Nota Ringtones is a completely free app for creating ringtones directly on your iPhone, without the need to connect to a computer.

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Any Ringtone Maker & Saver

Musik Music | First release: August 04, 2024

Welcome to the next level of personalization with Any Ringtone Maker! Elevate your iPhone experience by creating custom ringtones that reflect your style, personality, and preferences.

Bästa Musik-appar som Drum tuner EZ

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goodEar Pro - Ear Training

Musik Music | First release: December 23, 2023

>>>>> EAR TRAINING FOR BEGINNERS TO PROS <<<<< Professional musicians know, that having a good trained ear is one of the most important skills, a musician should have.

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Lyd - Watch Remote for Sonos

Musik Music | First release: February 25, 2023

Lyd is a full Sonos remote on your Apple Watch. You can control your playing music, change the playlist or radio station and even send audio messages from your wrist to any speaker in your household.

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Musik Music | First release: March 10, 2023

SoundSaw is a complex sound processing app with easy-to-use controls designed to distort the sound of musical instruments or voice, and give the sound the aesthetics and atmosphere of noise, lo-fi, chiptune and experimental music scene.

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iRingtone for Spotify

Musik Music | First release: January 21, 2024

iRingtones for Spotify ********************************** IT'S FINALLY HERE! An app that lets you answer calls to Spotify songs!

Bästa Produktivitet-appar som Drum tuner EZ

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miCal - The missing Calendar

Produktivitet Productivity | First release: January 22, 2025

miCal is THE calendar that you’ve always wished your iPhone or iPad had! miCal makes scheduling easier, clearer—and better looking—than ever before.

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Produktivitet Productivity | First release: December 30, 2023

Editorial is a plain text editor for iOS with powerful automation tools and a beautiful inline preview for Markdown, TaskPaper, and Fountain documents.

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Svensk Almanacka Pro

Produktivitet Productivity | First release: February 15, 2023

Svensk Almanacka Pro är en lättanvänd och överskådlig kalender som bygger på iOS inbyggda kalenderstöd och är därför mycket enkel att komma igång med.

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Muslimappen - Bönetider, Qibla

Produktivitet Productivity | First release: March 23, 2023

Denna app är ett försök att förse det muslimska samfundet i Sverige med autentiskt islamiskt material på olika nivåer och även förse varje muslim med funktioner som vi är i behov av i vår vardag.
 - Korrekta bönetider för 80+ svenska städer, larm vid azan kan väljas.