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Topp 14-appar som Gauss Field Looper för iOS och Android

Letar du efter appar som Gauss Field Looper? Vi har sammanställt en lista över de bästa alternativa apparna för iOS- och Android-enheter. Gauss Field Looper-alternativ är oftast musik appar.

Det finns 14-appar som liknar Gauss Field Looper tillgängliga för flera plattformar, inklusive iPhone, iPad och Android-smarttelefoner. FieldScaper by igor-vasiliev är det bästa alternativet. Andra appar som liknar Gauss Field Looper är Everyday Looper, VoiceJam: Vocal Looper, Loopy HD: Looper och AudioKit L7. Alla de bästa alternativa apparna för 2025 listas nedan och uppdateras regelbundet.

Gauss Field Looper Alternativa appar

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Musik Music | First release: March 10, 2023

Advanced field recorder combined with a sound warp engine and a collection of ready to use dynamic presets for iPad and iPhone.

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Everyday Looper

Musik Music | First release: January 24, 2024

A video is worth a thousand words, you can check a "thrilling" demo of Everyday Looper here : Everyday Looper allows you to record 4 musical phrases - 6 on an iPad - and loop them right away.

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VoiceJam: Vocal Looper - Sing, Loop, Share

Musik Music | First release: April 28, 2024

Sing, Loop, Share.

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Loopy HD: Looper

Musik Music | First release: November 29, 2023

Create music with Loopy HD by layering looped recordings of singing, beatboxing, or playing an instrument with a savvy, sophisticated, tactile looper that totally reinvents the formula.

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AudioKit L7 - AUv3 Live Looper

Musik Music | First release: April 08, 2024

-- LIMITED TIME 50% OFF (REGULAR $19.99) -- L7 is the ultimate AUv3 live looper for iOS.

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Musik Music | First release: November 02, 2024

Molli Looper is a realtime stereo effect for looping and filtering.

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Pro Looper: Loop Guitar, Voice

Musik Music | First release: December 09, 2024

LET YOUR OWN PRO MUSIC FLOW: Craft Professional Tracks with Pro Looper's Seamless Loops Now You Too Can Have Fun, Grow Skills, and Share YOUR Pro Tracks. Find out how a simple looper…

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K7D - Tape Delay

Musik Music | First release: June 05, 2024

K7D is a powerful and affordable, vintage tape delay effect plugin for iOS.

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Audio Tape

Musik Music | First release: January 24, 2024

A vintage 80's cassette player. Features: - beautiful and realistic tape rotation; - choose the audio tape look from 20 available;

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Fly Tape 2

Musik Music | First release: January 24, 2024

FlyTape 2 builds on the principles of the original FlyTape. However, FlyTape 2 is a complete rewrite and has been vastly improved in both features and stability.

Bästa Musik-appar som Gauss Field Looper

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Tempo - Metronom med Setlisten

Musik Music | First release: December 23, 2023

Tempo är den noggrannaste och bäst säljande metronomen i App Store. Tempo har medverkat på listorna "New and Noteworthy" och "Staff Favorite" på App Store:s målsida.

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King of Digital | Hybrid Synth

Musik Music | First release: November 11, 2023

Epic 64-voice Virtual Analog / PCM iPad Synth Inspired by the Digital Synths of the 80s, 90s, 2000s FULLY LOADED w/ 900+ presets by Analog Matthew, Brice Beasley, DMT Cymatics, Moby Pixel, Red Sky Lullaby, Jakob Haq, Electronisounds (Dean Daughters), Sound of Izrael, Brian Funk, and more

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BluOS Controller

Musik Music | First release: January 21, 2024

The BluOS Controller app serves as the universal remote for all BluOS-enabled wireless hi-res music systems, including Bluesound, NAD Electronics, PSB Speakers, Bluesound Professional, Cyrus Audio, DALI Speakers, and Monitor Audio.

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Fugue Machine : MIDI Sequencer

Musik Music | First release: January 10, 2024

A music sequencer reimagined with multiple playheads. "How Bach would have made a sequencer." (Create Digital Music) "A musical feat." (Creator's Project) "A new approach to sequencing." (XLR8R)