Topp 19-appar som QR Code & Barcode Scanner för iOS och Android
Letar du efter appar som QR Code & Barcode Scanner? Vi har sammanställt en lista över de bästa alternativa apparna för iOS- och Android-enheter. QR Code & Barcode Scanner-alternativ är oftast verktyg apparmen kan också vara produktivitet appar.
Det finns 19-appar som liknar QR Code & Barcode Scanner tillgängliga för flera plattformar, inklusive iPhone, iPad och Android-smarttelefoner. QR Code Scanner · är det bästa alternativet. Andra appar som liknar QR Code & Barcode Scanner är Rust Code Lock Raid, ScanDTC, OBD Code, Fault Code, QR by visargerd-sl och Barcode Alarm Clock Pro. Alla de bästa alternativa apparna för 2025 listas nedan och uppdateras regelbundet.
QR Code & Barcode Scanner Alternativa appar

QR Code Scanner ·
The best app to scan QR Code and Barcode!

Rust Code Lock Raid
This tool helps you guess the code to unlock bases in Rust. This app organizes the 10,000 base codes from #0 to #9999 where 0 is the most common code.

ScanDTC, OBD Code, Fault Code
ScanDtc gives every car owner back control of their car. Modern cars have become very complex and they "hide" millions of data in their electronics.

QR-kod scanner*Barcode reader
Quickly scan any QR code or barcode — 100% FREE *****. Create and share custom QRs and barcodes to manage products or open URLs, access Wi-Fi, view data, and more.

Barcode Alarm Clock Pro
Are you a heavy sleeper who just can’t manage to get out of bed on time? Do you need a LOUD alarm clock that WAKES you up? Are you late to meetings and calls? We have created an alarm clock that will get you out of bed.

EAN13 BarcodeScan
The EAN-13 barcodes are used worldwide for marking products often sold at retail point of sale. Use this app to know the country of the company that traded the product you are scanning.

Car Scanner ELM OBD2
Check what your car is doing in realtime, get OBD fault codes, car performance, sensor data and more!

Point QR Scanner-AI Art
Point QR Scanner allows you to easily identify all kinds of QR codes and barcodes, and quickly read all kinds of product information.

Universal Remote for TV Smart・
Now you can easily control your TV with your iPhone or iWatch. If you've lost your physical remote or need an alternative due to battery issues, this app will help you simplify your TV experience.

Viewer for D-Link Cams
View and control your D-Link Network Camera on your iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch. Quick & Easy Access to your D-Link IP Cam over both Mobile Phone and WIFI Networks, that is great for those on the go.

Remote for Samsung: Control TV
Med lättanvända knappkontroller, innovativt gyroskopstöd för gestbaserad kontroll och röstkommandofunktioner kan du styra din TV hur du vill.
Bästa Verktyg-appar som QR Code & Barcode Scanner

Necrometer Designed for ghost hunters and paranormal enthusiasts. This multifunctional app can be used to detect and communicate with spirits.

DB Schenker Tracking
Detta är DB Schenkers Tracking app för företagskunder. Här kan du se detaljerad information om dina sändningar, samt hitta aktuell status.

McAfee Security: Mobilskydd
Skydda din identiet och få tillgång till allt-i-ett-mobilsäkerhet med McAfee Security.

Freja är mycket mer än en traditionell e-legitimation.
Bästa Produktivitet-appar som QR Code & Barcode Scanner

Reminder Message Pro
Glöm aldrig att skicka ett meddelande !!!! Prova den här appen så kommer du inte att kunna göra utan den!

** A MUST-HAVE CALENDAR APP FOR EVERY IPHONE, IPAD, AND IPOD ** iCalendar is the ultimate calendar for your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch focusing on your productivity. It’s seamless, highly usable interface allows you to enter events quickly and helps you keep track of your busy schedule.

AI Smart ChatBot: Ask Anything
ChatAI is revolutionizing the way people live! The app will help you write social posts, find perfect presents for your loved ones or even rewrite essays.

ChatOn – svensk AI-chattbot
Letar du efter sätt att förbättra dina annonstexter? Eller kämpar du med att skriva ditt tal till ett evenemang? Möt ChatOn – din personliga AI-assistent!