Among Us! Versionshistorik

InnerSloth LLC

Fördjupa dig i det omfattande arkivet av Among Us! APK-versioner, med detaljerade anteckningar och kompatibilitetsinformation för var och en av 9-versionshistorikerna som samlats in sedan Oct 22, 2024. Den här sidan är tillägnad fans som vill utforska utvecklingen av Among Us!.

Mer information
  • Paketnamn
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  • språk
    Swedish (1) Se allt
  • Initial release

Vad är nytt i den senaste versionen av 2024.10.29

This is our biggg bug update of the year! Thanks for all of your feedback - it helps improve the game. Make sure you update to v2024.10.29 for these changes:

Trying to start an Online lobby while permanently or temporarily banned will no longer put the game into an endless black screen. Remember to play nice.
Updated the Tracker's ability to display as "TRACK" instead of "TRACKER".
Increased the font size of the settings in the 'View' for players using smaller devices.
The "Room Code Copied" text will now disappear after you copy the room code.
[Lobby] - We lowered the volume of The Skeld song in the lobby. Sorry it was too loud!
[Lobby] - The friends list icon no longer moves when accepting a game invite.
[Lobby] - Chat bubbles shouldn't break through the chat window when scrolling.
[Lobby] - The visor and hat on the host icon are now layered correctly.
[Lobby] - Hats now layer correctly when stacking with other players on the Dropship.
[Lobby] - Fixed layering issues for chat in multiple windows.
[Lobby] - Fixed inconsistent fonts being displayed for special characters.
[Lobby] - Game setting updates now display with the correct icons and colors when popping up on the left side of the screen.
[Lobby] - The plus and minus buttons in the role settings will continue to work after you select a game preset.
[Lobby] - The plus and minus buttons in the role settings no longer stay highlighted after selecting them.
[Classic] - Button click SFX no longer occurs when you click the map icon during the start of a game.
[Practice] - The practice dummies will now respawn after calling an Emergency Meeting.
[Airship / Fungle] - Visors are layered correctly during ladder animations.
[Skeld / Polus] - We removed a controller button icon that appeared during the Inspect Samples task even if you weren't using a controller.
[Fungle] - Crewmates are no longer be frozen in the climbing animation if a Mushroom Mixup is called while on the ladder.

Among Us! APK-versionshistorik

Nedan finns en lista över APK-filversioner för Among Us!. Observera att nedladdningslänkar för varje version kanske inte är tillgängliga, eller endast tillgängliga efter utvecklarens godkännande.

Among Us! v2024.10.29
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Among Us! v2023.11.28
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Enjoying the new map? v2023.11.28 brings new cosmetics and fixes your way. Remember to update your game!
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Among Us! v2023.6.27
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Privacy Policy has been updated.
Among Us! v2022.12.14
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Minor Bug Fixes
Among Us! v2022.8.24
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Hotfix to resolve lag issues players have been experiencing
Among Us! v2022.3.29
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Major Changes -New feature: Friends List! Send and receive friend requests, invite people to your lobby, and see who you recently played with. -Temporarily removed the ability to link/unlink existing accounts.
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Among Us! v2021.6.30
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Additions: - Added vent cleaning task - Chinese (Traditional and Simplified) and Irish localization added Bug Fixes:
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Among Us! v2021.3.31.2
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- New map out now - The Airship! - Biggest map, all new tasks, improved mobility, and more areas to explore - New account system for reporting - Parental approval needed for underage players - Free hats included: Heart, Angry Eyebrows, Unicorn, Zipper, and more
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Among Us! v2020.9.9
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Added support for 6 digit game codes.
Among Us! v2020.4.2
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* Fixed for the ehT dlekS map task indicators * April Fools "ehT dlekS" will be annual for 24 hours only on April 1st GMT in the future. * Players creating Skeld rooms from this version will not spawn ehT dlekS.
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