Asphalt Legends Unite Versionshistorik


Fördjupa dig i det omfattande arkivet av Asphalt Legends Unite APK-versioner, med detaljerade anteckningar och kompatibilitetsinformation för var och en av 10-versionshistorikerna som samlats in sedan Oct 4, 2024. Den här sidan är tillägnad fans som vill utforska utvecklingen av Asphalt Legends Unite.

Mer information
  • Paketnamn
  • Innehållsklassificering
  • språk
    Swedish (14) Se allt
  • Initial release

Vad är nytt i den senaste versionen av 24.1.2

Welcome to the New Asphalt Update!

Get ready for an action-packed update featuring three thrilling seasons: Speed Parade, Haunted Wheels, and Black Friday.

Lamborghini Temerario Special Event

The Lamborghini Temerario, the successor to the Huracán, has arrived in Asphalt! Don't miss your chance to get the free Key for this beauty by completing the first stage of the Special Event.

New Cars!

This update introduces 6 stunning new cars for you to enjoy, including the Lamborghini Temerario, Czinger 21C, Bugatti Mistral, Mercedes-Benz Vision One-Eleven, Aston Martin Valour, and TVR Sagaris.

The Clash Is Back!

By popular demand, the Clash is making its return. Rally your club and prepare to dominate the streets in this intense team competition.

Asphalt Legends Unite APK-versionshistorik

Nedan finns en lista över APK-filversioner för Asphalt Legends Unite. Observera att nedladdningslänkar för varje version kanske inte är tillgängliga, eller endast tillgängliga efter utvecklarens godkännande.

Asphalt Legends Unite v24.1.2
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Asphalt Legends Unite v4.5.1
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Willkommen in Italien! Ein Ort, an dem antike Geschichte auf leistungsstarke moderne Wagen trifft! Wir stellen zwei großartige neue Saisons vor: Italian Revolution Part 1 und Italian Revolution Part 2.
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Asphalt Legends Unite v4.3.4
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This update is electric! It's jam-packed with three seasons filled with the latest in new car technology, the new Showroom and a LEGO® Technic™ Trial Series.
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Asphalt Legends Unite v4.1.0
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German Motorsports Season The Wanderlust Season is starting now! Get your hands on impressive new rides handpicked from some of the best German brands, such as the BMW M4 GT3 and Apollo EVO.
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Asphalt Legends Unite v3.8.0
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Take part in two special racing seasons, starting with Winterfest and continuing with the Lunar New Year Season! Drive Syndicate: From the Ashes You
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Asphalt Legends Unite v3.6.3
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Bring the Heat! Join us in a new update introducing a new location and a new game mode along with a slew of brand-new cars for you to unlock.
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Asphalt Legends Unite v3.4.5
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New Breed Rivals This time, Multiplayer will be at the heart of the season, with a new series each day to unlock the Vision 1789. Check out other events and new rides below!
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Asphalt Legends Unite v3.1.2
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Plug in for the Electric Season! Join us in celebrating the next generation of cars. The Speed of Lightning
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Asphalt Legends Unite v2.7.3
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Let's start the year firing on all cylinders with this new update! - FIRE & LIGHTNING SEASON: Kick off 2021 with an exciting new season and plenty of fresh rewards up for grabs in the Season Pass!
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Asphalt Legends Unite v2.4.6
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WELCOME TO THE BRITISH SEASON Cruise the roads with new cars from iconic British brands. Explore the new season to unlock fantastic prizes and accelerate your experience with the Season Pass to claim the exclusive Bentley Mulliner Bacalar.
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Asphalt Legends Unite v2.1.3
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Be part of the Porsche legacy and discover a full tank of new content! NEW SEASON PASS Level up your game with a Season Pass to unlock exclusive content and other perks!
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