Bloons TD Battles Versionshistorik

Ninja Kiwi

Fördjupa dig i det omfattande arkivet av Bloons TD Battles APK-versioner, med detaljerade anteckningar och kompatibilitetsinformation för var och en av 9-versionshistorikerna som samlats in sedan Jun 6, 2024. Den här sidan är tillägnad fans som vill utforska utvecklingen av Bloons TD Battles.

Mer information
  • Paketnamn
  • Innehållsklassificering
  • språk
    Swedish (1) Se allt
  • Initial release

Vad är nytt i den senaste versionen av 6.20.2

Can you handle the heat of this intense new map? Enter a showdown on the cracked mantle of a broken earth and try and outlast your opponent's high pressure onslaught. The path is short and brutal so you'll need to make use of the ample placement areas if you want to have any hope of surviving. The pressure is on!

+Minor Bug Fixes

Bloons TD Battles APK-versionshistorik

Nedan finns en lista över APK-filversioner för Bloons TD Battles. Observera att nedladdningslänkar för varje version kanske inte är tillgängliga, eller endast tillgängliga efter utvecklarens godkännande.

Bloons TD Battles v6.20.2
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Bloons TD Battles v6.19
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Bloons have taken over the airport terminal in an all new map: Baggage Claim! Let's hope you packed your tack shooter in your hand luggage (please don't do this in real life!) because the tight curves of the carousel make it the perfect tower to stop the Bloons before they make it through security.
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Bloons TD Battles v6.18.2
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Make sure you don't spring a leak in our new map, Sprinkler and try to keep your cool defending against your opponent's Bloon stream with a new set of balance changes.
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Bloons TD Battles v6.17
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Have a great holiday with our new winter themed map Off Piste. Hit the bloons, not just the slopes! We have also included a round of balance changes.
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Bloons TD Battles v6.16
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Battle on the edge of oblivion in a new map: Bottomless Pit. A little vertigo won't stop the Bloons so you'll need to make the best use of the tight turns and choke points to repel their advances.
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Bloons TD Battles v6.14.1
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Clap those Bloons in irons in an all new map: Dungeon! Lock up your opponents chances of winning by making use of the tight corners and plentiful placement areas.
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Bloons TD Battles v6.12.1
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Give your opponent a case of swamp fever in an all new map: Marsh! The tight turns of this washed up wetland makes it perfect for shutting down rushes using Tack Shooters and Apprentices and some prime water placement areas means filling the bog with Buccaneers is sure to have the opposition floundering.
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Bloons TD Battles v6.10
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Battle it out among the wreckage of an unfortunate Buccaneer in an all new map: Shipwreck. As you might expect, naval monkeys are the name of the game in this sea faring showdown but the decks and crow's nest still offer some handy land placement areas too.
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Bloons TD Battles v6.7.2
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Minor bug fixes
Bloons TD Battles v6.5.2
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Minor bug fix

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